Dermatophilosis - Sheep

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Also known as: Cutaneous streptothrichosis — Lumpy wool — Strawberry foot rot — Fleece rot

Also see General Dermatophilosis for more information.

Clinical Signs

Three clinical syndromes have been documented:

  • Lumpy wool
  • Strawberry foot rot
  • Fleece rot

Fleece infection is known as lumpy wool. Infection passes from ewe to lamb during suckling and hence lesions first appear on the head which leads to infection on the trunk. In wet weather can result in high morbidity outbreaks. Large areas of the fleece can be affected where crusts of varying thickness become evident. On haired skin, crusts can become very thick and can form horn like structures. In severe infections of rams the scrotum and surrounding skin can become affected.

Strawberry foot rot is a condition affecting the skin from the coronet to the carpus or hock. The disease occurs as a result of Orf and Dermatophilus infection. Scabs get rubbed away leaving the granulating surface which resembles a strawberry.

Fleece rot is a condition thought to be assosiated with dermatophilosis, but also involves pigment producing bacteria which stains the wool a characteristic yellow colour. It predisposes to fly strike.


Bring affected animals into a dry environment. Investigate any underlying problems which may predispose to the infection.

Antibiotics can be given intramuscularly and typically work following one dose. However if signs do not resolve a 5 day course should be administered. Penicillin and streptomycin are good choices for this disease. Additionally, dips containing 0.2% Copper Sulphate or 0.5% Zinc sulphate can be effective.

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Ovine dermatophilosis


Merck & Co (2008) The Merck Veterinary Manual (Eighth Edition) Merial

4th year Veterinary Dermatology notes. Royal Veterinary college. October-November 2008. p60-64.