Veterinary Education Online

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Welcome to WikiVet!
WikiVet is an international initiative to provide a comprehensive on-line veterinary curriculum.
The site currently has 5,936 articles.
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These content pages are organised via discipline, system or species.

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Resources to expand or test your knowledge. Also have a look at eLearning showcase to see what's on offer.


The wiki's content specifically structured for pre-clinical students.


Questions? Try here first. Otherwise email WikiVet team or post a comment on our Facebook page.


Pathology Facebook Page

Check out our new Pathology Facebook group! This is a continuation of the great work that Chris Palgrave has done on his Veterinary Pathology Unit page. He's now teamed up with the WikiVet team to bring great pathology cases to you all - like the new page if you want to keep up to date!

The page is primarily intended to be a resource for veterinary students, but also residents and clinicians, with an interest in pathology.

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News Archive
WikiVet Newsletter Archive


Regenerative or non-regenerative anaemia?

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Test yourself here.

Follow us on Twitter to get notified whenever a new page is released and to receive teaser questions! You can also find them on our Facebook page.

If you have some teaching resources like these that you would like to make available via WikiVet, why not contact the WikiVet team? If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to email the WikiVet team or you can post a comment on our Facebook page!

Vet Schools Location

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Visit the interactive map to see the schools and visit their pages.

Not all schools have a page. Would you like to create the page about your school? See how to create a school page..

The latest schools to create pages and be put on the map are:

Current list of vet school pages: