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#redirect[[Infectious Bovine Keratoconjunctivitis]]
*''Moraxella bovis'' causes infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis
[[Category:Bacteria miscellaneous]] [[Category:Rods]] [[Category:Cocci]] [[Category:Cattle Bacteria]]
*Found on mucous membranes of carrier cattle
*Susceptible to desiccation therefore short survival in environment
*Flies act as vectors, in which the bacteria can survive 72 hours
*Other species non-pathogenic
*Short, plump Gram negative rods or cocci occuring in pairs
*Catalase positive, oxidase postitive
*Unable to utilise sugars
*No growth on MacConkey agar
*Growth enhanced by addition of blood or serum to media
===Pathogenesis and pathogenicity===
*Virulent strains have fimbriae, are haemolytic and grow into agar
*Fimbriae allow adherence to the cornea
*Q fimbriae are specific for colonisation; I fimbriae allow local persistence of infection
*Fimbrial antigens stimulate immunity
*Haemolysin, fibrinolysin, phosphatase, hyaluronidase and aminopeptidase as well as LPS contribute to virulence
*Haemolysin damages neutrophil membranes; release of hydrolytic enzymes from these [[Neutrophils - WikiBlood|neutrophils]] damages the corneal surface
*Isolates from carrier animals often avirulent, and are non-haemolytic and have no fimbriae; reversion to virulence can occur
===Clnical infections===
*Infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis, or pink-eye/New Forest disease is an ocular disease of cattle
*Highly contagious infection of superficial tissues of eye
*Affects animals under 2 years old
*Decreased weight gain in beef cattle, decreased milk production in dairy herds
*Age-related immunity due to previous exposure
*Antibodies against haemolysin neutralise different strains, whereas antibodies to fimbriae are strain-specific
*Asymptomatic carrier animals harbour the bacteria in the nasolacrimal ducts, nasopharynx and vagina
*Transmission by direct contact, aerosol and via flies
*Clinical signs: blepharospasm, conjunctivitis, lacrimation
*Keratitis and corneal ulceration, opacity and abscessation may lead to panophthalmitis and permanent blindness
*Stromal oedema; coning of cornea
*Cornea may heal or undergo permanent scarring
*Swabs of lacrimal secretions
*Fluorescent antibody test demonstrate presence of ''M. bovis''
*Culture on blood agar; colonies are round, small, shiny and friable
*Virulent strains surrounded by complete haemolysis and are embedded in the agar
*No growth on MacConkey
*Autoagglutination in saline
*Short Gram negative rods on smears
*7 serotypes based on fimbriae
===Treatment and control===
*Subconjunctival or topical antimicrobials
*Isolate animals
*Reduce mechanical irritation such as dust, grass, grass seeds
*Insect control
*Control concurrent infections
*Prophylactic oxytetracycline for animals at risk
*Vitamin A supplementation
[[Category:Bacteria miscellaneous]][[Category:Rods]][[Category:Cocci]][[Category:Cattle]]
Author, Donkey, Bureaucrats, Administrators


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