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<big><center>[[Bones|'''BACK TO BONES''']]</center></big>
==Changes to normal structure==
===Damage to Periosteum===
*Invokes a hyperplastic reaction of the inner layer
*Is painful
*Exostoses can remodel or remain
Lifting of periosteum causes new bone formation below
[[Image:Bone histo.jpg|right|thumb|100px|<small><center>Histological structure of bone (Courtesy of RVC Histology images)</center></small>]]
*Bone is a hard, highly specialised connective tissue
*Consists of interconnected cells embedded in a calcified, collagenous matrix
*Living, dynamic, responsive tissue, growing and remodelling throughout life
*Pathogenesis of many bone diseases is complex
**May involve genetic defects, diet or infection or a combination of these
**Stem cell storage
**Mineral storage
===Normal structure===
[[Image:Bone micro structure.jpg|right|thumb|100px|<small><center>Microscopic bone (Courtesy of RVC Histology images)</center></small>]]
*Osteoblasts, osteocytes, chondroblasts and chondrocytes are derived from stromal fibroblastic system ('''osteoprogenitor cells'''); osteoclasts from haematopoietic system
*Ischaemia and hypoxia favour development of cartilage
*High oxygen tension and good blood supply favour bone development
**Mesenchymal cells
**Arise from bone marrow stroma
***Plump and cuboidal when active
***Basophilic cytoplasm
***When inactive - less cytoplasm -> flattened
**Produce bone matrix = '''osteoid''' - uncalcified
***Homogeneous substance
***Stains light pink with H&E
**Cell membranes are rich in alkaline phosphatase (ALP)
***Possibly involved in pumping calcium across membranes
**Promoted by growth factors
**Have receptors for [[Bones - normal#Bone resorption|PTH]]
***They contract in response -> space for osteoclasts to attach
**Osteoblasts that have become surrounded by mineralised bone matrix
**Occupy cavities called '''lacunae'''
**Contact osteoblasts and each other with cytoplasmic processes
***Reach through canaliculi in mineralised bone matrix
**Regulate composition of bone fluid
***Large, often multinucleated cells
***Acidophilic cytoplasm
**Derived from haematopoietic stem cells
**Responsible for bone resorption
***Firstly dissolve mineral followed by collagen
***Use brush border for this
**Sit in bone surface depression - '''Howship's lacuna'''
**Do <u>not</u> have receptors for PTH
**Have receptors for [[Bones - normal#Bone resorption|calcitonin]]
***Involute their brush border in response
***Detach from bone surface
**Respond to vitamin D by increasing their numbers and activity (parathyroid independent)
===Bone organisation===
*Normal progression is from woven bone to lamellar bone, even in pathology, except for [[Bones - hyperplastic and neoplastic#Craniomandibular osteopathy|canine craniomandibular osteopathy]] and [[Bones - metabolic#Hypervitaminosis D|hypervitaminosis D]], where lamellar bone is replaced by woven bone
*Patterns of collagen deposition:
**'''Woven bone''':
***"Random weave" which is only a normal feature in the foetus
***Coarse collagen fibres
***Later removed by osteoclasts and replaced by lamellar bone
***In adults it is a sign of a pathological condition (e.g. fracture, inflammation, neoplasia)
**'''Lamellar bone''':
***Orderly layers which are much stronger than woven bone
***Fine collagen fibres in concentric or parallel laminae
***Two main types:
****'''Compact bone (cortical)'''
*****Forms 80% of total bone mass
*****Consists of cells and interstitial substance - 30% ossein (type of collagen) and 70% minerals, especially calcium phosphate
*****Forms the shell of long bone shafts - contain [[Haversian systems]]
****'''Cancellous bone (spongy or trabecular)'''
*****Made up of plates, tubes or bars arranged in lines of stress
*****In vertebrae, flat bones and epiphyses of long bones
*****Contains no Haversian systems
**'''Laminar bone'''
***Formed on periosteal surface of diaphysis
***Accomodates rapid growth of large dogs and farm animals
***Plates of woven bone from within the periosteum
***Concentric plates
***As it forms, it fuses with the bone surface
===Periosteum and blood supply===
**Specialised sheath of connective tissue covering bone except at the articular surfaces
**Loosely attached except at tendon insertions and boney prominences (associated with major blood vessels penetrating bone)
***Outer layer - fibrous for support
***Inner layer - osteogenic
****Contains osteoblasts and osteoprogenitor stem cells in young animals and in adults with fractures or disease
**Rich supply of nerves and lymph vessels
**Damage to periosteum:
***Invokes a hyperplastic reaction of the inner layer
***Is painful
***Exostoses can remodel or remain
**Lifting of periosteum:
***Causes new bone formation below
**Circumferential incision (e.g. during [[Bones - fractures|fracture]])
***Longitudinal bone growth results
***May be only on one side where periosteum is damaged
****Used by surgeons to treat [[Bones - developmental#Angular limb deformity|angular limb deformities]]
*'''Blood vessels'''
**Nutrient, metaphyseal, periosteal arteries
**Normal flow of blood from medulla to periosteum due to higher pressures in medulla
**Young animals have greater blood supply
*'''Endosteum''' lines the marrow cavity
===Bone development===
*Two main types of bone development:
**'''Endochondral ossification''' (cartilage model)
***Long bones mainly - physis and metaphysis
***Mesenchymal cells differentiate into chondroblasts
****Produce scaffold of mineralised cartilage on which osteoblasts deposit bone
***Developed centres of ossification
****Primary (diaphyseal)
****Secondary (epiphyseal)
**'''Intramembranous ossification'''
***Flat bones mainly (e.g. skull), shaft of long bones
***Mesenchymal cells differentiate into osteoblasts
***No cartilage precursor template
Circumferential incision (e.g. during [[Bones Fractures - Pathology|fracture]])
*Longitudinal bone growth results
*May be only on one side where periosteum is damaged
**Used by surgeons to treat [[Angular Limb Deformity|angular limb deformities]]
===Physis (Growth plate)===
===Physis (Growth plate)===
[[Image:Growth plate.jpg|left|thumb|100px|<small><center>Growth plate (Image sourced from Bristol Biomed Image Archive with permission)</center></small>]]
[[Image:Growth plate closer.jpg|right|thumb|100px|<small><center>Growth plate magnified(Image sourced from Bristol Biomed Image Archive with permission)</center></small>]]
*Originates from the cartilage model that remains only at the junction of the diaphyseal and epiphyseal centres
*Cartilage of metaphyseal growth plate is divided into: (from right to left on the magnified image)
** - Resting (reserve) zone
** - Proliferative zone
** - Hypertrophic zone
*Site of many '''congenital''' or '''nutritional''' bone diseases in the growing animal
*Site of many '''congenital''' or '''nutritional''' bone diseases in the growing animal
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*If growth teporarily stops -> layer of bone seals the growth plate -> moves into metaphysis when growth resumes -> forms '''Harris lines'''
*If growth teporarily stops -> layer of bone seals the growth plate -> moves into metaphysis when growth resumes -> forms '''Harris lines'''
==Test yourself with the Bone and Cartilage Pathology Flashcards==
[[Bones_and_Cartilage_Flashcards_-_Pathology|Bones and Cartilage Flashcards]]
===Bone resorption===
[[Category:Bones - Pathology|A]]
*Mediated by two [[Parathyroid Pathology#Hormonal Control|hormones]]:
**'''Parathyroid hormone (PTH)'''
***Produced by <u>chief cells in the parathyroid glands</u> in response to <u>decreased</u> serum calcium
***In response, osteoclasts increase in number and resorb mineralised matrix - increase Ca in blood
***Produced by <u>C-cells in the thyroid glands</u> in response to <u>increased</u> serum calcium
***Inhibits osteoclasts
===Bone dynamics===
*Bone growth and maintenance of normal structure are directly related to mechanical forces
*Mechanical forces generate bioelectrical potentials (piezoelectricity)
**These potentials strengthen bone
**Inactivity reduces the potentials -> bone loss
*In neonates:
**Bone growth predominates
**Modelling is important
*In adults:
**Formation of bone is balanced by resorption - remodelling
**Continues throughout life under the influence of hormones and mechanical pressure
**Bone resorption may exceed formation in pathological states (hormonal, trauma, nutritional) or in old age and disuse
<big><center>[[Bones|'''BACK TO BONES''']]</center></big>

Latest revision as of 12:39, 3 March 2011

Changes to normal structure

Damage to Periosteum

  • Invokes a hyperplastic reaction of the inner layer
  • Is painful
  • Exostoses can remodel or remain

Lifting of periosteum causes new bone formation below

Circumferential incision (e.g. during fracture)

  • Longitudinal bone growth results
  • May be only on one side where periosteum is damaged

Physis (Growth plate)

  • Site of many congenital or nutritional bone diseases in the growing animal
  • Open in neonates and growing animals
    • Chondrocyte proliferation balances cell maturation and death
  • Closes and ossifies at maturity
    • Regulated by androgens
  • If growth teporarily stops -> layer of bone seals the growth plate -> moves into metaphysis when growth resumes -> forms Harris lines

Test yourself with the Bone and Cartilage Pathology Flashcards

Bones and Cartilage Flashcards