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===[[General Pathology - Degenerations and Infiltrations|Degenerations and Infiltrations]]===
===[[General Pathology - Degenerations and Infiltrations|Degenerations and Infiltrations]]===
==Degenerations and Infiltrations==
*  Degenerations and infiltrations are the morphological manifestation of an altered metabolism within the cell.
** A particular kind of change within a cell or tissue may suggest that a specific type of alteration has occurred.
* Degenerations and infiltrations are types of structural changes.
** These are best considered at a cellular level.
** These structural changes are deviations from the cell's normal structure and function.
*** Parameters are outside the normal physiological range for the cell.
* '''Degeneration'''
** The tissue cell shows some change in itself.
* '''Infiltration'''
** Something accumulates in the cell or tissue.
===Cellular Swelling===
* Cellular swelling is
** The earliest detectable degenerative change.
** The mildest from of cellular degeneration.
** The first stage in injury to a cell.
** Caused by a variety of insults, e.g.
*** Lack of oxygen (anoxia) to a tissue.
*** Toxic influences.
* Is due to the impairment of the integrity of the cell membrane.
* Cellular swelling is characterised by a moderate swelling of the individual cells.
** Due to an influx of water into the cell.
====Gross Appearance====
* Organs diffusely affected with cloudy swelling grossly appear pale.
** This may be partly due to the swollen cells impeding the tissue's blood supply.
* Without cutting into an organ, it may be difficult to appreciate a gross enlargement of it.
** Each individual cell is increased in size, meaning the entire volume of the organ is also increased.
** E.g. on cutting the liver or kidney capsule, the underlying swollen parenchyma bulges outwards, making the cut ends of the capsule retract.
* The degree of gross swelling is not great.
** Could be easily confused with early post-mortem changes in the organ.
====Histological Appearance====
* Individual cells appear somewhat swollen.
* The cytoplasm appears more red in colour in hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained sections.
* The nucleus of the cell remains normal.
* Cellular swelling is best histologically appreciated in the liver and kidney in damage caused by circulating toxins that are not powerful enough to actually kill the cells.
====Significance of Cellular Swelling====
* Cellular swelling is an important stage in degeneration.
** Not commonly observed on its own without more serious changes
*** Not easy to identify at post-mortem unless the examination os perfomred very soon after the animal's death.
**** Early post-mortem (autolytic) change in dead tissue looks rather similar.
*** Cellular swelling is also reversible.
**** When the toxin is no longer exerting its effect, the tissue returns to normal.
*** Cellular swelling may be a transient stage in the more serious forms of degenerations which follow.
===Hydropic Degeneration===
* Hydropic degeneration often indicates severe cellular damage due to viruses.
** Is a more severe or advanced form of cellular swelling.
* There are two types of hydropic degeneration, in which:
*# The cells may swell up like a balloon prior to their destruction.
*#* '''Balloning Degeneration'''
*# There is a discrete bleb (vacuole) of fluid within the cytoplasm.
*#* '''Vacuolar Degeneration'''
====Ballooning Degeneration====
* May occur in a variety of conditions.
** Is particularly seen in viral conditions of epithelial tissue.
* [[Oral Cavity - Cavity & Gingiva#Foot and Mouth disease|Foot and Mouth Disease]] is the best example.
** Foot and Mouth virus attacks the stratum spinosum of the epithelium of the tongue and feet.
** Affected cells balloon up with water containing the replicating virus, swelling until they burst.
*** The fluid contained in the cells then forms microvesicles (blisters) in the stratum spinosum.
**** Blisters may later burst, shedding vast quantities of the virus.
** On bursting, the edges of the erosions look ragged.
*** Within weeks, the germinal epithelium at the base of the erosion regenerates the epithelium, leaving no trace of a scar.
====Vacuolar Degeneration====
* In vacuolar degeneration, excess water is transferred to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER).
* The ER  swells and eventually fragments.
** A fluid vacuole remains in the cytoplasm.
* Commonly occurs in cells that are very metabolically active and have well developed pumping mechanisms.
** E.g. as the hepatocyte, renal tubular epithelium and pancreatic acinar cell.
===Cellular Fatty Change===
** Fatty substances accumulate or increase within the cytoplams of specific cells.
** In some instances, the fat stores may be involved in the transfer of fat to these specific cells.
* Cellular fatty change is an important intracellular abnormality.
** Principally concerns the intracellular fat in hepatocytes.
* Fatty change is commonly seen in three organs of the body.
** Prinicpally in the '''liver'''.
** Also in the '''kidney''' and the '''heart'''.
** This is  because these organs are either:
*** Involved in the metabolism of fat, or
*** Dependant upon lipids as an energy source.
* Fatty change can be readily recognised at post-mortem.
==== Gross Appearance of Fatty Change====
* '''Liver'''
** This is the main organ involved in fatty change.
** May be greatly increased in size.
** Is tan to yellowish in colour.
*** Is normally reddish brown.
** Very prone to rupture with slight pressure (friable).
** Parenchyma bulges outwards on being freed from the constraint of the capsule when cut.
** Parenchyma is dull, yellowish and greasy.
* '''Kidney'''
** The cortex appears paler.
***N.B. This is normal in e.g. the cat!
*** Diffuse paleness is not the prominent feature, unlike in the liver.
* '''Heart'''
** Anoxia, as a result of anaemia, causes fatty change.
** The heart is flabby.
** Fatty change may occur as streaks in the papillary muscles.
*** I.e. those muscles furthest away from the blood supply.
** Contractile ability is reduced, and blood is therefore not umped efficiently.
====Histological Appearance of Fatty Change====
* The fat either appears as globules or is contained in varying sizes of vacuoles in the cytoplasm.
** In the heart, fat appears as groups of tiny vacuoles dispersed along the myofibrils.
** In the liver and kidney, vacuoles tend to coalesce to form larger ones.
*** One or more large globules may fill the cytoplasm.
**** The nucleus is displaced to the periphery of the cell.
* The nucleus remains normal.
** Nuclear changes are only seen if the degree of fatty change becomes incompatible with the continued existence of the cell.
* In hepatocytes, it is necessary to stain for fat in order to ellucidate if a vacuole in the cytoplasm is fat-containing.
** Two further conditions may produce vacuoles in hepatocytes.
*** [[General Pathology#Vacuolar Degeneration|Vacuolar hydropic degeneration]]
*** Glycogen accumulation
** Stains commonly used include Sudan 111, Sudan 1V, and Oil Red O.
*** Stain fat varying shades of orange to red.
** Sections must be prepared differently to the routine paraffin embedding (used e.g. in H&E staining).
*** The strong solvents used in paraffin embedding dissolve the fat out of the cell.
*** When staining for fat,  the tissue to be examined is frozen and sectioned in a cryostat before being stained.
**** These sections are more than twice as thick as those attained by sectioning paraffin blocks
***** There may be some overlap of cells on the section.
***** Individual cells are less clear.
====Causes of Fatty Change====
=====Dietary and Metabolic=====
# '''Starvation'''
#*  A reduction in dietary intake neccessitates the increased mobilisation of fat from body fat stores to meet energy needs.
#* Fat from stores is transported in the blood as fatty acids.
#** The liver cannot cope with them all properly.
#*** The fatty acids are stored in the liver as neutral fats.
# '''Overeating'''
#* When the dietary intake is greater than the energy expenditure, the fat is temporarily stored prior to movement to the body fat stores.
#** Also occurs in fat-rich diets.
# '''Lipotrope Derangement'''
#* Lipotropes are substances which hasten the removal of fat from the liver cells.
#* Lipotropes include the amino acids that allow conjugation of fat with proteins to form the lipoprotein that is excreted from cells.
#** E.g. choline, methionine.
#** Dietary deficiency of these leads to fatty change within the cells.
#* Some poisons also prevent stages of lipoprotein formation.
#** E.g. CCl4, phosphorus and alcohol
=====Metabolic diseases=====
* Certain metabolic diseases may result in deranged carbohydrate metabolism.
* Glucose is not made available for uptake into the tissues.
** The celles still require energy, and so alternative pathways are resorted to.
*** This leads to fatty change.
* Examples:
** Diabetes mellitus in dogs
*** Deficiency of the hormone insulin required for cellular glucose utilisation.
** Ketosis in ruminants
*** The body is exhorted to find another source of energy following drainage of the glucose reserves.
**** Fat reserves are mobilised and transported to the liver.
*** E.g.
**** Twin lambs in sheep
***** The condition is known as Pregnancy Toxaemia
**** Milk producion in high-yielding dairy cattle shortly afer parturiton.
***** Acetonemia
* Any condition that reduces the oxygen supply to the tissues will cause fatty change in the
* Examples:
** Anaemia
*** Reduced numbers of red blood cells circulating in the blood
*** Caused by sustained loss of erythrocytes from the vessels by
**** Chronic haemorrhage
**** Excessive destruction of erythrocytes (haemolysis).
** Circulatory disorders
*** Ischaemia
**** Reduced blood supply to a tissue
*** Chronic venous congestion
**** Slowing of blood flow through the vasculature e.g. due to a failing heart.
* Many toxins will cause fatty change in the liver.
** In these cases fatty change may be considered to be a more severe form of [[General Pathology#Cellular Swelling|cellular swelling]].
* Examples:
** Bacterial and fungal toxins
*** May be:
**** Produced in the bloodstream by circulating bacteria (septicaemia/bacteraemia)
**** Produced elsewhere and absorbed into the bloodstream.
** Chemical toxins
*** For example, CCl4, phosphorus, arsenic and lead.
** Plant toxins
*** Some plant toxins will cause fatty change in the very early stages of poisoning.
====Distribution of Fatty Change in the Liver====
* Fatty change in the liver tends to be throughout the whole lobule.
* Occasionally there is a preferential localiasation -  this may give some clue as to the inciting cause.
** E.g. in chronic venous congestion
*** Due to a failing heart (a cause of anoxia).
*** Blood pools in the centrilobular area (due to ineffective blood flow back to the heart), as well as fatty change being induced.
**** Gives a striking gross appearance - areas of yellow interspersed with red.
***** Described as a 'nutmeg liver'.
*** When found post-mortem examination, indicated the heart should be examined for the cause.
====Significance of fatty change====
* Fatty change is '''reversible''', provided that the underlying cause is brought under control.
* '''Necrosis'''
** From the distribution of fat in a cell, it may be difficult to decide whether the fatty change is due to a toxic or metabolic defect.
*** In toxic effects, the fatty change can be considered as a more serious form of cellular swelling.
**** There may be evidence of necrosis.
*** If a metabolic defect is prolonged, cellular function may be impaired by the substantial amount of fat.
**** Necrosis may also result in this instance.
* '''Wallerian Degeneration'''
** A special form of fatty change in the nervous system.
** Damage to myelinated nerves results in the degeneration of the myelin that ensheaths them.
* '''Extracellular accumulation of lipids'''
** Necrosis of cells containing lipid may release lipid into the extracellular space. 
*** Haemorrhage or tissue damage may result in cholesterol being released from cells or pooled from lipoproteins in crystalline form (cholesterol clefts).
===Mucoid Degeneration===
* Mucoid degeneration is also known as mucinous or myomatous degeneration.
* Mucoid degeneration involves chanages in epithelial tissue or the extracellular matrix/ ground substance.
* An extracellular phenomenon of some specific cells.
** Tend to show a bluish tinge in H&E stained sections.
* The specific cells involved in mucoid degeneration in the eptihelium are:
** The goblet cells of wet mucous membranes.
** The mucous glands themselves.
* This is not really a degeneration, but an increased production of mucin.
** It is a beneficial reaction; the product
*** Is important as a lubricant.
*** Soothes inflamed surfaces.
*** Traps and dilutes harmful agents.
*** Carried specific antibodues against infectious agents.
*** Provides a means for removal of infectious agents.
====Connective tissue====
* Here, the mucin forms part of the ground substance between the fibroblasts that produce it.
* A disturbance in the metabolism of the fibroblasts under some circumstances,means the ground substance takes on a bluish hue in H&E sections.
* Mucoid degenration in the heart valves of middle-aged and older dogs is a common example.
** Causes '''endocardiosis'''.
*** A condition specific to the dog.
* Tends to affects middle-aged and older dogs.
* Primarily occurs in the mitral valve.
* Results in slowly developing heart failure
* The valves become swollen and misshapen
** The heart cannot pump blood effectively to the circulation from the left ventricle.
*** Blood passes back into the left atrium, compromising the filling from the pulmonary vein.
**** Leads to back pressure on the pulmonary capillaries.
***** Oedema forms in the lungs, and can be heard as moist sounds on ausculatation.
***** Reduces the oxygenation of blood leading to exercise intolerance.
*** Failure of the left side eventually compromises the function of the right side.
**** There is pooling of blood in the venous system i.e. in the liver.
===Hyaline Degeneration===
* The term "hyaline degeneration" is applied to several types of degeneration or infiltration.
** "Hyaline" is a descriptive term meaning "glassy".
*** Used in pathology when structureless material appears in section, and stains red with eosin
**** Describes a variety of conditions in which structureless materials are present.
* Is applied to both extra-  and intra-cellular degenrations/ infiltrations.
** '''Extracellular'''
*** Protein hyaline casts in the renal tubules.
**** From excessive protein passing through glomerulus.
**** When fresh urine is examined under the microscope, casts may be seen as elongated glassy tubes.
***  Hyaline membranes
**** Proteinaceous effusions into pulmonary alveoli
**** Prevent gaseous exchange.
** '''Intracellular'''
*** Hyaline degeneration of skeletal muscle.
**** In vitamin E/ selenium deficiency.
* There are two forms of hyaline degeneration that deserve their own mention.
** Fibrinoid degeneration.
** Amyloid infiltration.
====Fibrinoid Degeneration====
* Fibrinoid degeneration features a material which is fibrin-like.
* Is essentially a focal death of cells in the walls of small blood vessels (usually arterioles).
** Parts of the vessel wall become replaced by a granular material.
*** Pinkish-red (i.e. eosin-staining).
*** Has some of the appearance and staining properties of fibrin.
*** Consists partly of degenerated muscle and elastic fibres, and partly of an increased amount of protein ground substance around the degenerated fibres.
*** Looks like a red smudge in the vessel wall when viewed histologically.
* The presence of the fibrin-like material may suggest
** A local hypersensitivity reaction
** Hypertension
* Also known as amyloid infiltration
* Deposition of a proteinaceous hyaline substance in extracellular sites.
** Sites of deposition vary with species.
* The kidney is a common site of deposition.
** Amyloid is deposited under the capillary endothelium and progressively increases in volume.
* There are various categories of amyloid.
** Is essentially an abnormal protein produced in the body
** In most cases, it is produced in response to sustained antigenic stimulation caused by a chronic suppurative process.
*** E.g. a foot abscess, mastitis.
* Amyloid is a relatively inert substance.
** When it accumulates, it is not easily removed.
===Glycogen Infiltration===
* Glycogen is normally present in substantial amounts in the liver and muscle.
** Is a readily utilisable source of energy.
* Moderate glycogen infiltration in the liver:
** Grossly  - doesn't have much effect.
** Histologically - shows up as foamy cytoplasmic vacuoles, similar to that of fat.
* Some conditions may result in an increase in glycogen deposits.
** '''Diabetes mellitus'''
*** Gives an increase in hepatic glycogen stores.
*** May be overshadowed by the increased fat in the hepatocytes, and therefore difficult to see.
**** Renal tubular deposits are more easily observed.
** '''Excessive glucocorticoids'''
*** Could be due to:
**** Hyperadrenocortism
**** Animals being maintained on glucocorticoid therapy over a long period of time.
***** Has more dramatic effect.
*** Huge amounts of glycogen infiltration.
**** Liver appears larger and paler.
**** Vacuoles may be so extensive that the rest of the cytoplasm appear as pink strands passing from the nucleus to the plasma membrane.
***** A "feathery appearance" or "web-like effect".
** '''Glycogen storage diseases'''
*** Due to an inherited deficiency of an enzyme required for the breakdown of glycogen to glucose.
**** Cells continuously accumulate glycogen.
*** Seen in all tissues of the body but exerts its major effect in the CNS.
* Selective staining must be employed to distinguish glycogen vacuoles from fatty vacuoles in the liver.
** Alcohol fixation is preferred.
** Best's Carmine is the commonly used stain.
*** Stains the intracellular glycogen red.
===Cellular Inclusions===
* Either in the nucleus or cytoplasm.
====Storage Products====
* Due to '''hereditary storage diseases''' in which there is a missing or defectivecellular enzyme. There are many types known in domestic animals.
** Break down/ build up of intracellular substances is halted.
*** The intermediate substance accumulates in the lysosomes.
** Affects all tissues
*** The central nervous system is particularly vulnerable.
* Due to '''age'''
** Lysosomes will accumulate non-degradable products
*** E.g. lipofuscin - the 'ageing' or 'wear and tear pigment'.
**** Cmmonly seen in middle-aged cats in the hepatocytes nearest the centrilobular veins.
====Intracellular Bacteria====
* For example, [[Mycobacteria spp.|''Mycobacterium tuberculosis'']] in macrophages.
====Protein Accumulation====
* In the renal tubular epithelium.
* Occurs when  there is leakage of protein out through a damaged glomerulus.


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