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Species Cow Ewe Sow Mare Queen Bitch
Preganacy Recognition Factor Bovine Interferon tau Ovine Interferon tau Oestrogen and Pituitary Prolactin Unidentified Pituitary Prolactin None Required


  • The free-floating blastocyst produces specific proteins that signal to prevent luteolysis.
  • Sheep blastocysts produce ovine interferon tau (OIFN-τ)
  • Cattle blastocysts produce bovine interferon tau (BIFN-τ)
  • Interferon tau is a small protein produced by trophoblastic cells of the blastocyst.
  • It is present in the uterus at day 13-21 after ovulation.
  • It is not luteotrophic, so does not enhance progesterone production by the corpus luteum.
  • Instead, it binds to the uterine endometrium and inhibits the synthesis of oxytocin receptors.
  • In addition to preventing the upregulation of oxytocin receptors, interferon tau binds to the apical portion of uterine glands to promote synthesis of proteins that are critical for embryonic survival pre-implantation.
  • As a result, there is no production of the luteolytic factor PGF2α and the corpus luteum is maintained.
  • The corpus luteum then produces progesterone to maintain the pregnancy.

The Conceptus

  • The ruminant conceptus undergoes rapid elongation between day 14 and 16.
  • During this period, IFN-τ is secreted at high levels before decreaseing.
  • Small embryos produce much less IFN-τ than larger embryos.
  • There is a hige proportion of embryo loss in the first 3 weeks of gestation, as small embryos fail to secrete enough IFN-τ in this critical period. Thus they do not block luteolysis.
    • This may be related to poor nutritional status of the mother.


  • The pig conceptus produces oestradiol as the signal for maternal recognition of pregnancy.
  • Also, PGF2α is produced in significant quantities, but is re-routed into the uterine lumen.
  • Oestradiol is produced 11-12 days after ovulation. This does not inhibit secretion of PGF2α , but causes it to be secreted in a different direction than in a cycling sow.
  • It is thought that prolactin production in the uterine endometrium increases under the influence of oestradiol. This acts to change the ionic flux for calcium, promoting exocrine secretion of PGF2α.
  • It is secreted away from submucosal capillaries, towards the uterine lumen.
  • Luminal PGF2α has little access to the circulation, and thus cannot cause luteolysis.
  • Oestadiol also inactivates PGE2-9 oxoreductase,preventing the conversion of PGE2 to PGF2α.
  • Production of oestradiol not only prevents luteolysis, but serves to stimulate contractions of the uterine myometrium. This ensures distribution of the conceptuses with proper spacing along the uterine horns.


  • The secretion of oestradiol occurs in the period of conceptus elongation.
  • There must be at least two conceptuses in each uterine horn for pregnancy to be maintained.
  • If they are not present in one uterine horn, PGF2α will be secreted in an endocrine fashion and luteolysis will occur, thus terminating the pregnancy.


  • The presence of a conceptus prevents luteolysis.
  • In the presence of a conceptus, endometrial production of PGF2α is significantly reduced.
  • The conceptus must migrate within the uterus from one uterine horn to the other 12-14 times a day during days 12, 13 and 14 of gestation in order to inhibit PGF2α.
  • This migration is necessary, as the equine conceptus does not elongate, so there is less contact between the conceptus and the endometrial surface.
  • It must move to distribute pregnancy recognition factors to the endometrial cells.
  • The conceptus does produce proteins to effect the recognition of pregnancy, but specific roles are unknown.
  • The luteolysin in the non-pregnanct cycle is thought to be PGF2α.


  • The embryo takes 6 days to traverse the oviduct (in other species this is normally ~4 days). It stops at various spots in the uterus, spending 5-20 minutes in each.
  • The conceptus remains spherical in shape.
  • Day 6-22: the trophectoderm secretes a glycocalyx, which hardens to form a capsule.
    • This prevents attachment of the embryo to the uterine endometrium.
  • Day 7-17: Peristaltic contractions of the uterine myometrium move the embryo around the uterus.
    • The conceptus begins to secrete oestrogens, but their role is unknown.
  • Day 17: The myometrium clamps the embryo in position at the base of the uterine horns, preventing movement.
  • If pregnant, upregulation of oxytocin receptors between day 10-16 is inhibited.


  • The corpus luteum of the cycle and the corpus luteum of pregnancy have similar lifespans.
  • Under normal cyclic condition, the corpus luteum is long-lived.
  • When luteolysis does occur, it is close to the end of the normal gestation period.
  • Dioestrus is almost the same length as gestation.
