Limb Muscles - Horse Anatomy

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Thoracic Limb

Extrinsic Musculature

Intrinsic Musculature

Muscles of the Shoulder

Muscles of the Elbow

Muscles of the Carpal and Digital Joints

The horse, as well as other domestic mammals, have a limited range of motion in the carpal joints compared with humans; therefore these muscles act as either extensors or flexors.


The craniolateral position on the forearm, almost all originate from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus. All innervated by the radial n. from the brachial plexus.

Extensor carpi radialis

The most medial
Insertion: Metacarpal tuberosity of the proximal third metacarpal (cannon) bone. Uniquely in the horse, the lacertus fibrosus (detachment of the biceps brachii) joins this muscle prior to its insertion.
Action: Extends and fixes the carpus, flexes the elbow

Extensor carpi obliquus (aka abductor pollicis longus)

Origin: Cranial radius
Insertion: Head of second metacarpal (medial splint) bone

Common Digital Extensor

Deep to the extensor carpi radialis
Insertion: Extensor process of the distal phalanx via the common digital extensor tendon.
Action: Extends carpus and digit

Lateral Digital Extensor

Caudal to the common digital extensor muscle on the lateral antebrachium
Insertion: Dorsoproximal phalanx via the lateral digital extensor tendon.
Action: Extends the carpus and metacarpophalangeal (fetlock) joint

Caudal position on the forearm, originate from the caudal medial epicondyle of the humerus. All innervated by the median or ulnar n. of the brachial plexus.

Flexor carpi radialis

The most medial, inserts on the proximal part of the second metacarpal(medial splint)bone

Flexor carpi ulnaris

The most lateral, inserts on the accessory carpal bone.

Ulnaris lateralis

The most caudolateral
Insertion: Accessory carpal bone and the fourth metacarpal (lateral splint) bone.
Action: Flexes the carpus rather than extends it, due to its insertion caudal to the carpal joint axis.

Superficial Digital Flexor

Overlies, and is partially fused with, the deep digital flexor muscle.
Insertion: Proximal extremity of middle phalanx and the distal extremity of proximal phalanx via the superficial digital flexor tendon.

Deep Digital Flexor

Deep to the superficial digital flexor muscle and flexor muscles of the carpus. Passes through the carpal canal before branching and continues to insert on the palmar distal phalanx via the deep digital flexor tendon.

Interosseus muscle/Suspensory ligament

This is covered in more detail in the Equine Tendons section.

Pelvic Limb

The muscles affecting the pelvic girdle and hip can be divided into two distinct groups; girdle muscules and rump muscles.

Girdle Muscles

The pelvic girdle musculature (sublumbar muscle) is made up of a number of distinct muscle groups. These arise from the lumbar vertebrae and insert on the pelvis or femur. These muscles function in dorsiflexion and ventriflexion of the spine. They also provide stabilisation to the vertebral column and pelvis.

Psoas Minor

Innervation:Intercostal n., Femoral n.
Origin: Last three thoracic vertebrae and 1st-4th lumbar vertebrae
Insertion: Ilium
Action: Fixator, flexes lumbar vertebral column
The muscle is marked by multiple tendinous intersections.


The iliac muscle is a fleshy muscle that is cross-sectionally flat cranially and round caudally.
Innervation:Lumbar n., Genitofemoral n., Femoral n.
Origin: Two heads, a strong lateral head and small medial head. They enclose the greater psoas and will unite to form a common tendon for insertion.
Medial - Ileal shaft
Lateral - Wing of the ileum
Insertion: Lesser trochanter of the femur

Quadrate Lumbar

Thin, tendinous muscle
Innervation: Intercostal n., ventral branches of Lumbar n., Genitofemoral n., Femoral n.
Origin: Proximal end of last rib and transverse process of the cranial lumbar vertebrae
Insertion: Transverse processes of caudal lumbar vertebrae, wing of the sacrum, wing of the ilium
Action: Fixator of lumbar vertebral column

Rump Muscles

The rump muscles are also made up of a number of different muscle groups and have considerably more groups than the girdle muscles. They extend between the ilium and the thigh. These muscles are particularly large in the horse, providing the power for forward locomotion.

Superficial Gluteal

Innervation: Caudal gluteal n.
Origin: Gluteal fascia
Insertion: Unites with the tensor fascia lata, passing over the greater trochanter and attaching on the third trochanter with radiations to the femoral fascia. A synovial bursa exists between the tendinous insertion and the third trochanter.
Action: Extends the hip, retracts the limb and supports outward rotation

Middle Gluteal

The largest of the gluteals, it lies deep to the superficial gluteal and provides the visible shape of the croup. A sheet of tendon divides the muscle into a deep (accessory gluteal muscle) and superficial part. It fuses caudally with the piriformis muscle.
Innervation: Caudal gluteal n.
Origin: 1st lumbar vertebra, aponeurosis of the longissimus muscle, sacrum, sacrotuberous ligament
Deep - Greater trochanter and intertrochanteric crest
Superficial - Greater trochanter
Action: Poweful hip extensor, retracts and abducts the limb. Transfers the power of the hindlimb to the trunk, allowing the horse to rear up.

Deep Gluteal

Deepest of the gluteals, directly overlying the coxofemoral (hip) joint
Innervation: Cranial gluteal n.
Origin: Lateral ilium
Insertion: Greater trochanter of the femur
Action: Supports the middle gluteal to abduct the limb


Fused to the middle gluteal muscle
Innervation: Cranial gluteal n.
Origin: Last sacral vertebra, sacrotuberous ligament
Insertion: Passes over the greater trochanter of the femur to insert via a seperate tendon to that of the middle gluteal on the caudal femur.
Action: Extends the hip and abducts the limb

Tensor Muscle of the Fascia Lata

Innervation: Cranial gluteal n.
Origin: Tuber coxae, extending distally on the cranial border of the quadriceps muscle
Insertion: Combines with the fascia lata and so indirectly attaches to the patella, lateral patellar ligament and cranial border of the tibia. A caudodorsal detachment joins the superficial gluteal and so attaches to the greater trochanter of the femur.
Action Tenses the fascia lata, indirectly flexing the hip and extending the stifle. Advances the limb during the swing phase of the stride.

Biceps Femoris

Largest and most lateral of the caudal thigh muscles. It lies very superficially, covered only by fascia and skin. The biceps are comprised of two parts, a strong cranial (vertebral head) and smaller caudal part (pelvic head).
Innervation: Caudal gluteal n.
Cranial: Spinous processes of the sacral vertebrae, caudal border of the sacrotuberous ligament
Caudal: Ischial tuberosity
Insertion: The two bellies then unite and redivide into three parts that form an extensive aponeurosis.
Cranial - Just distal to the third trochanter on the lateral aspect of the femur, patella, patellar ligament
Middle - Crural fascia, patella, lateral patellar ligament, cranial aspect of the tibia
Caudal - Radiates into the crural fascia and forms the 'tarsal tendon. This combines with the detachment from the semitendinous inserts on the calcaneus.
Action: Generally extends and abducts the limb. The cranial (vertebral) part extends the hip and stifle. The caudal (pelvic) part extends the hip but flexes the stifle. It also helps extend the tarsus through its attachment via the tarsal tendon on the calcaneus.


Large muscle, forming the contour of the caudal thigh. In horses, the muscle is comprised of two heads; the bellies of which then reunite and run as a flat tendon to the medial side of the leg.
Innervation: Caudal gluteal n.
Pelvic head - Ventral aspect of the ischial tuberosity
Vertebral head - Spinous and transverse processes of the sacrum, 1st caudal vertebrae, sacrotuberous ligament
Insertion: The reunited tendon fans out into the crural fascia and partially inserts onto the cranial aspect of the tibia. The remaining tendon joins the tarsal tendon of the biceps muscle to insert on the calcaneal tuberosity.
Action: Extends the hip, stifle and tarsus during weightbearing causing propulsion. When the limb is non-weightbearing, it flexes the stifle, rotates the leg outwards and moves it backwards.


Most medial muscle in the 'hamstring' group, it unites with the semitendinosus to form the caudal contour of the thigh. In the horse it has two heads, a vertebral head and stronger pelvic head.
Innervation: Caudal gluteal n., Tibial n.
Pelvic Head - Ventral aspect of the ischial tuberosity
Vertebral head - Sacrotuberous ligament, 1st caudal vertebra
Insertion: The two bellies of the muscle unite to insert at three places; the medial femoral condyle via a short tendon, the medial collateral ligament of the femerotibial joint and to the medial condyle of the tibia via an aponeurosis.
Action: Extends the hop and stifle during weightbearing, facillitating propulsion. When non-weightbearing, adducts and retracts the limb.


Innervation: Femoral n.
Origin: Iliac fascia and tendon of the psoas minor muscle
Insertion: Unites with the medial patellar ligament and crural fascia to isnert on the tibial tuberosity
Action: Flexes thte hip, advances and adducts the limb. Its union with the fascia crural fascia and fascia of the stifle allos it to also extend the stifle.


Extensive sheet of muscle covering the caudal aspect of the medial thigh
Innervation: Obturator n.
Origin: Accesspry ligament of the femoral head
Insertion: Merges with the crural fascia via an aponeurosis to insert on the tibial crest
Action: Adducts the limb, can also move the rump sideways if the foot is on the ground. Aids extension of the stifle.

Adductor Muscles

In the horse there are two adductors, the cranial short adductor muscle and the caudal greater adductor muscle.
Innervation: Obturator n.
Origin: Ventral surface of the pelvis and apaneurosis of the gracillis muscle
Insertion: Entire medial aspect of the femur, from the lesser trochanter to the medial condyles, and the medial collateral stifle ligament.
Action: Adduct the limb, can also retract the limb and move the rump forward and sideways

Inner Pelvic Muscles

The inner pelvic muscles are small and lie close to the coxofemoral (hip) joint. They run between the pelvis and trochanteric fossa of the femur.

Internal Obturator

In the horse this muscle has two heads, a small and tendinous pubic head and a larger pelvic head.
Innervation: Sciatic n.
Pubic head - Cranial and medial borders of the obturator foramen
Pelvic head - Pelvic symphysis and pelvic aspect of the body of the ilium
Insertion: Trochanteric fossa together with the gemellus muscle, having passed over the lesser sciatic notch
Action: Rotates the femur laterally, aids hip extension

External Obturator

Innervation: Obturator n.
Origin: Vental surface of pelvis, close to the obturator foramen
Insertion: Trochanteric fossa
Action: Supinates the femur and adducts the limb


In the horse, these two small muscle bundles are fused and unite partly with the internal obturator muscle
Innervation: Sciatic n.
Origin: Ischium
Insertion: Trochanteric fossa
Action: Aids lateral rotation of the limb

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