Welcome to Learning Resources!
WikiVet contains a variety of useful learning resources. Have a look below at what we have now.
FlashcardsFlashcards logo.png

Flashcards are a self assessment tool with questions, answers and links to the relevant article on WikiVet.

DragsterDragster logo.png

Dragster - Drag and Drop activities are various anatomy images and labels for you to drag onto the relevant area. Correct answers are provided.

WikiQuizWikiQuiz logo.png

WikiQuiz contains multiple choice questions for various topics with feedback and links to the relevant WikiVet article.



Front PageWV Pages.png

WikiVet Articles are pages of text organised via three different routes, Discipline, System and Species. If you know what you are looking for, type it in the search box. If not, have a look through one of these routes.

eLearning showcaseResources logo.png

Learning Resources contain lots of different ways to either expand or test your knowledge. Have a look at eLearning showcase to give you an idea of what is available, or you can delve right in to what you are interested in.

WV Pre Clinical ContentPre-Clinical.png

If you are a pre-clinical student, you may find accessing content and learning resources via this route more convenient.

Frequently Asked QuestionsFAQ.png

Do you have a question about WikiVet or need a hand with something? Please check this section out first, you may find your answer. If not, please email WikiVet team or you can post a comment on our Facebook page.


Computer Aided Learning (most need resource pages)

  • Canine Radiographic Anatomy resource

Category:Histology PowerPoints


  • digital slide box - needs possibly reclassification and resource pages

Podcasts - need resource pages