News Archive

Revision as of 15:56, 29 February 2012 by Ctrace (talk | contribs) (Added OVAM roadshow)

February 2012 - OVAM roadshow
The OVAM Team have taken to the road over February and visited many of the OVAM Partners. Find out about their adventures here, there's some great pictures and stories in the OVAM Blog too!

9th December 2011 - OVAL dissemination and OVAM launch events
The Opening Access to Veterinary Literature (OVAL) project dissemination and the Online Veterinary Anatomy Museum (OVAM) launch event took place at the Royal Veterinary College on December 9th, 2011. More information can be found via the OVAM page, including recordings of the event via Adobe Connect. We are very excited about creating this veterinary museum!


November 2011 - WikiVet in India
In late November Nick Short from WikiVet visited India to make a presentation to a workshop of veterinary experts from across India as well as from international organizations in New Delhi to discuss measures to strengthen the veterinary profession in India, with a particular focus on livestock and dairy veterinary medicine. Read more here


14th November 2011 - Launch of Courses on WikiVet
The RVC has become the first school to map it's curriculum into WikiVet. The first years of the Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Science and Veterinary Nursing courses have been mapped out, enabling students to see week by week what WikiVet articles and resources are relevant to their week's lectures. Read more here.

November 2011 - Online Veterinary Anatomy Museum
We have just heard that another major new WikiVet based project has received 0ver £ 130,000 of JISC funding. The Online Veterinary Anatomy Museum (OVAM) involves all the UK and Irish veteriinary schools as well as partners overseas and commercial publishers. The aim is to develop a comprehensive and eduicationally focussed online anatomy museum by pooling resources from all the project partners. This is one of the first times that so many vetschools have signed up to a joint bid and represents the potential of WikiVet to foster collaboration.


November 2011 - WikiVet on iTunes
WikiVet now has its own iTunes site through which you can download podcasts in English, French and Spanish. As part of the Opening Veterinary Access to Literature, we have been recording short podcasts of key disease factsheets. You can download these onto a laptop, iPhone or iPod and listen to them whenever you want. In fact you can also choose to subscribe to our iTunes podcasts so that any new recordings will automatically be downloaded as and when they become available. Find out more : iTunesVet


November 2011 - Joint WikiVet project on Online Publishing
WikiVet is a partner in a new project funded by JISC entitled “Investigating new business models for including published works in OER (PublishOER)”. The project is led by Newcastle University and includes the RVC and Nottingham veterinary schools. It provides exciting new opportunities for WikiVet as it will involve working with leading science publishers, including Elsevier, to explore new models for publishing veterinary content. Find out more PublishOER

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November 2011 - French WikiVet site launched
WikiVet has launched its French site. It is currently a very simplified version of the English site and consists of 100 pages about worldwide diseases which were adapted from CABI datasheets and translated as part of the OVAL project. Find out more

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23-25th October 2011 - International Symposium on Veterinary Public Health, Food Safety and Major Emergent Animal Diseases
The International Veterinary Collaboration for China (IVCC) is running a symposium on 23rd - 25th October in Chengdu, Sichuan Privince, Chine. For mote details see the International Symposium on Veterinary Public Health, Food Safety and Major Emergent Animal Diseases.


1st September 2011 - WikiVet appears in the German veterinary journal VET impulse
You can view a copy of the article and a translation here

25-26th August 2011 - WikiVet Team Attended the NOVICE Summer School

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Members of the WikiVet team attended the NOVICE Summer School in Budapest at Szent István University, Faculty of Veterinary Science on 25-26 August 2011.
The Network Of Veterinary ICt in Education (NOVICE) seeks to explore and extend the use of Web 2.0 tools in veterinary education and lifelong learning. The interactive site enables members - which include veterinarians, veterinary students, ICT educationalists and veterinary educationalists - to exchange knowledge and expertise throughout Europe and beyond. We think of it as the discussion part of WikiVet. The summer school provided an opportunity to meet and exchange ideas, discuss projects and strengthen already existing relationships between members. The next Summer School will be in Bucharest in October 2012.


12th-14th July 2011 - Nottingham Educational Symposium
WikiVet held a full-day pre-conference workshop on the 12th July. This involved an introduction to WikiVet and a focus group that looked at how WikiVet should prioritise it's actions over the next few years. In the afternoon there was an authoring workshop for delegates, and a student focus group was held. The following day WikiVet ran a 90-minute workshop as part of the main symposium that focussed on how WikiVet can be integrated into teaching and learning more effectively at institutions.


13th June 2011 - WikiVet team attend Glasgow Vet School's TELT day
Members of the WikiVet team went to Glasgow Vet School's Technology Enhanced Learning and Teaching Focus day. They made a presentation in the morning, then ran an authoring workshop in the afternoon. Academics, clinicians and students from Glasgow all made presentations and attended the authoring workshop afterwards.

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May 2011 - WikiVet representatives visit Nairobi Vet school and attend e-Learning conference in Africa
Nick Short and Raymond Macharia ran a workshop at the University of Nairobi veterinary school on the use of WikiVet. Over 60 vets and students attended the 3 day event and it was clear that there was a real hunger for access to more quality online veterinary resources. Following this, they attended an eLearning Conference about the use of ICT in Africa. Read more...

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13th-15th May 2011 - WikiVet representatives attend the Vet2011 Veterinary Education conference
‎Nick Short and Dr Prisca Noble represented WikiVet at the World Conference on Veterinary Education in Lyon. This event was part of the 250th anniversary celebrations of the veterinary profession. There seemed real interest amongst heads of vet schools from around the world in developing shared online resources, great news! Read more...

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Links created to translated content on Spanish Wiki
Pages are being translated and integrated into the Spanish WikiVet site. Links are created that allow navigation between different language versions of the same page. Read more...

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1st-2nd April 2011 - Murcia students visit WikiVet team
Two students from the University of Murcia Faculty of Veterinary Medicine visited the Royal Veterinary College for one week as part of an exchange program.
The students took part in an editing workshop, and discussed the creation of the Spanish WikiVet site. Read more...

WikiVet wins funding for OVAL project


The Royal Veterinary College, in partnership with the University of Nottingham School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, CABI and Manson Publishing has secured over £90,000 from JISC as part of their eContent Programme. Read more...

27th February 2011 - WikiVet is on NOVICE


WikiVet has a group on NOVICE, which stands for the Network of Veterinary ICt in Education. The group can be found on the NOVICE site

11-12th February 2011 - WikiVet comes to Sweden

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WikiVet representatives have visited the vet school in Uppsala, Sweden. They presented to staff and students and ran a workshop that taught students how to use the website. Read more...

15th February 2011 - WikiVet is on Facebook!


We have created a WikiVet Community Page on Facebook. We're hoping that this group will be a place to discuss WikiVet so if you have any problems/questions/suggestions then feel free to post them there!

WikiVet on Facebook

WikiVet and Pfizer meeting on 12th January 2011

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Visit by Pfizer representatives to the Royal Veterinary College to discuss future development with the WikiVet development team. In the photo Kim Whittlestone (WikiVet), Patricia Randeynes (e-learning Manager Pfizer Business Innovation), Bara Stanikova (WikiVet) and Theo Kanellos (Pfizer - Global Alliances).

8th December 2010 - New Content released
We now have some exciting new content on Lizards and Snakes. It includes normal anatomy and physiology as well as common conditions and treatment, handling and diagnostic sample collection. Description of a selection of common species is also present. We are sure you will find the information useful but have a look and find out for yourself!.

16th September 2010 - CABI partnership underway!
Good news for students and CABI users - we are developing links to content pages within the site that will allow CABI registered users to access searches for the latest research on the topic at the click of a button more...

15th June 2010 - New content development underway this Summer!
We have recently recruited 12 summer student and graduate authors from the Royal Veterinary College, Bristol, Edinburgh and Cambridge Vet Schools. They will be improving and increasing the content on WikiVet, with particular work on the bugs and clinical sections this Summer. More details...

21st May 2010 - New Donkey Section launched
Users of WikiVet will now have access to a new source of accurate, regularly reviewed, practical and research-led information about donkeys thanks to a new section of the site sponsored by the Sidmouth-based Donkey Sanctuary. More details ....

3rd April 2010 - WikiVet Secures Funding From Pfizer
WikiVet has received funding from one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies, Pfizer. The sponsorship has enabled the site to increase the development of content and a range of online services for the profession. More details ....

22nd October 2009 - WikiVet - A learner's perspective
The latest ALT Newsletter contains an article by Bev Panto, a recent RVC graduate. Bev has been working on the WikiTest initiative funded by the RCVS Trust. Find out more...

28th September 2009 - Welcome to all first year students
This is that time of year when we welcome the next intake of students to our vetschools. We hope that you will all find content within WikiVet of use during the coming years of your course. Please let us know if you have any suggestions as to how we can improve the site.

10th August 2009 - RCVS Trust Funded Workshop in Nottingham
A WikiVet workshop involving students and staff from 4 UK vetschools was held at Nottingham vet schools to plan the development of multiple choice questions to complement the Wiki content. This initiative has been funded by the RCVS Trust. More details ....

10th May 2009 - Links with other veterinary groups
WikiVet has been working to establish links with a range of other veterinary organisations including the British Veterinary Association Overseas Group, the Commonwealth Veterinary Association and the Association of Veterinary Students. More details ....

2nd April 2009 - RCVS Trust funds WikiVet
The RCVS Trust has announced that it will provide £ 4,700 from its small grant fund to WikiVet. The funding will go to the development of self assessment tools such as MCQs and Flash Cards linked to WikiVet content. More details ....

31st March 2009 - WikiVet Steering Group meets at the RVC
The WikiVet Steering Group met at the RVC on the 31st March 2009 to review progress and plan the next steps in development. Representatives from vet schools in Nottingham, Cambridge, Edinburgh and the RVC attended as well as from the MEDEV centre in Newcastle.Group Photo ....

28th January 2009 - Recent web reviews of WikiVet
The following reviews of WikiVet have appeared on the web:

[Woah… Have You Seen WikiVet?]

[Veterinary education at the click of a mouse]

12th January 2009 - WikiVet presents at the International Veterinary Students Association 2008 Conference [IVSA]
The IVSA conference this year was held at Glasgow and Edinburgh universities over the New Year period. Natalie Brown (RVC) presented WikiVet to the conference with a view to attracting more international student support for the project. Interest was shown in translating the wiki into other languages and in adding more content to widen the relevance beyond just the UK.

28th November 2008 - WikiVet receives funding from the British Society of Toxicological Pathologists [BSTP]
The BSTP has just agreed to provide sponsorship to support the WikiVet project in 2009. This funding will be used to cover wiki server hosting costs at the University of London Computer Centre.

23rd October 2008 - WikiDrugs Ready for Population

All the WikiClinical stub pages are now in place. Please feel free to start populating these pages with lots of clinical knowledge. If you are having trouble editing pages please refer back to our help pages.

9th October 2008 - The Wiki is Launched

Attendees of the WikiVet Launch

The WikiVet project was officially launched at MEDEV, Newcastle University. People from varying aspects of the Veterinary, Educational, Pharmaceutical and Medical professions attended the conference. Five people also attended the virtual conference, which made for an exciting yet interactive session. We feel that the launch was a great success and look forward to watching WikiVet grow.