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What species of Passerine bird is this?

Please select an option Incorrect! This species is called a House Martin, with its pure white underparts as well as a white rump and short forked tail. Although they belong to the same family, swallows have distinctive red throats and long tail streamers. They are extremely agile in flight and spend most of their time on the wing. Correct! This species is called a House Martin, with its pure white underparts as well as a white rump and short forked tail. The bird's mud nest is usually sited below the eaves of buildings. They are summer migrants and spend their winters in Africa. Although still numerous and widespread, recent moderate declines earn them a place on the Amber List. Incorrect. This species is called a House Martin, with its pure white underparts as well as a white rump and short forked tail. Pied Wagtails also have a black and white plumage, but they possess a black beak, have long slender legs, with long hindclaws and a long-rectangular tail that they characteristically are frequently “wagging”. Incorrect. This species is called a House Martin, with its pure white underparts as well as a white rump and short forked tail. Swifts are larger birds with a dark underside, long, scythe-like wings and a short, forked tail. Like the House Martins and Swallows, it is also a Summer migrant and spends its winters in Africa. Incorrect. This species is called a House Martin, with its pure white underparts as well as a white rump and short forked tail. Starlings are bigger birds with long legs and although its adult plumage may seem black in the distance, it is actually very glossy with a sheen of purples and greens. Unlike swifts, swallows and house-martins they walk and run confidently on the ground.

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What species of Passerine bird is this?

Please select an option Correct! Swallows have distinctive glossy dark blue backs, red throats and long tail streamers. They are extremely agile in flight and spend most of their time on the wing. They are found in areas where there is a ready and accessible supply of small insects and are particularly fond of open pasture with access to water and quiet farm buildings. Incorrect! Reptiles have a renal portal system where venous return from the tail and hindlimbs may be filtered through the kidneys to bathe the renal tubules. Incorrect! This species is called a Swallow, with its distinctive glossy dark blue backs, red throats and long tail streamers. Blue Tits, with longer legs and shorter beaks, are actually a colourful mix of blue, yellow, green and white, and unlike Swallows, are permanent residents in the UK. Incorrect! This species is called a Swallow, with its distinctive glossy dark blue backs, red throats and long tail streamers. Swifts are larger birds with a dark underside, long, scythe-like wings and a short, forked tail. Like the House Martins and Swallows, it is also a Summer migrant and spends its winters in Africa. Incorrect! This species is called a Swallow, with its distinctive glossy dark blue backs, red throats and long tail streamers. Blackbirds are bigger birds with long legs and although the males have a distinctive black plumage with bright orange beaks and eye rings, the female blackbird is brown, often with spots and streaks on their breasts. WikiVet Article: Lizard Cardiovascular System

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What species of Passerine bird is this?

Please select an option Incorrect! This species is called a Pied Wagtail, with its black and white plumage, black beak, long hindclaws and a long-rectangular “wagging” tail. The coal tit is a small bird with a distinctive grey back, black cap, and white patch at the back of its neck. In Winter they join with other tits to form flocks which roam through woodlands and gardens in search of food. Incorrect! This species is called a Pied Wagtail, with its black and white plumage, black beak, long hindclaws and a long-rectangular “wagging” tail. The Nuthatch is actually a plump bird with a blue-grey back and whitish underside, with chestnut on its sides and under its tail. It has a long black stripe covering its eyes, a long black pointed bill, and short legs. . Incorrect! This species is called a Pied Wagtail, with its black and white plumage, black beak, long hindclaws and a long-rectangular “wagging” tail. Blackbirds are bigger birds with long legs and although the males have a distinctive black plumage with bright orange beaks and eye rings, the female blackbird is brown, often with spots and streaks on their breasts.. Incorrect! This species is called a Pied Wagtail, with its black and white plumage, black beak, long hindclaws and a long-rectangular “wagging” tail. Starlings are bigger birds whose adult plumage may seem black in the distance, but it is actually very glossy with a sheen of purples and greens, and does not have white colouring in its head and underside. Correct! This species is called a Pied Wagtail, with its black and white plumage, black beak, long hindclaws and a long-rectangular tail that, in accordance to their common name, they frequently “wag”. Best looked for near water and can be found in most habitats, even town centres. They gather together in large roosts at dusk, sometimes in towns, often assembling on roofs beforehand.

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What species of Passerine bird is this?

Please select an option Incorrect! This species is called a Dunnock, a small brown bird with grey plumage around the eyes and in the neck area. Wrens are even smaller birds with a plumage in different brownish tones and a short, narrow tail which is sometimes cocked up vertically. Incorrect! This species is called a Dunnock, a small brown bird with grey plumage around the eyes and in the neck area. Although House Sparrows can look similar, they have distinctly thicker beaks and the area around the eyes can be light brown in females or a more intense brown in males, with no light grey in the neck. Correct! This species is called a Dunnock, a small brown bird with grey plumage around the eyes and in the neck area. They inhabit any well vegetated areas with scrub, brambles and hedges, and keep largely on the ground and often close to cover. When two rival males come together they become animated with lots of wing-flicking and loud calling. Incorrect! This species is called a Dunnock, a small brown bird with grey plumage around the eyes and in the neck area. The Tree Creeper has a long, slender, downcurved bill, its underside is mainly white and, as its name indicates, it lives in trees, often being found vertically climbing the trunks. Incorrect! This species is called a Dunnock, a small brown bird with grey plumage around the eyes and in the neck area. The Nuthatch is actually a plump bird with a blue-grey back and whitish underside, with chestnut on its sides and under its tail and a long black stripe covering its eyes.

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