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The oral cavity is the first section of the alimentary tract that recieves food. It provides the digestive functions of prehension, mastication and insalivation and also plays a role in the respiratory system through oral breathing when the nasopharynx is impaired.

The oral cavity or mouth, consists of accessory structures (the salivary glands), projecting structures (the teeth and tongue) and the walls enclosing the oral cavity.

Oral Cavity Anatomy - Copyright Nottingham 2008

Anatomical Boundaries

  • Caudally by pharynx at the level of the palatoglossal arches

Outer Vestibule

  • Teeth and jaw margins medially
  • Ramus of the mandible and masseter muscle caudally

Oral Cavity Proper

  • Inside the dental arches
  • Palate dorsally
Oral Cavity Cat - Copyright P.Fernandes
  • Teeth, gums and jaw margins laterally
  • Size altered by raising or lowering the tongue and floor or oral cavity when mouth is closed

Histology and Innervation

  • Ectoderm
  • Trigeminal nerve (CN V)


Oral Cavity Flashcards

Oral Cavity Pathology

Oral Cavity Pathology Flashcards