
  • Mainly pathogens of farm animals
  • Commensals of mucosa of upper respiratory tract and oral cavity
  • Cannot survive long in the environment, therefore carrier animals are important in their transmission
  • Cause granulomatous inflammation

Actinobacillus characteristics

  • Small Gram negative coccobacilli
  • Oxidase negative
  • Do not grow on MacConkey
  • Non-motile
  • Facultative anaerobes which ferment carbohydrates to produce acid

Actinobacillus lignieresii

Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae

Actinobacillus equuli

Actinobacillus suis

Actinobacillus seminis

  • Epididymitis in young rams (4-8 months)
  • Polyarthritis in lambs
  • Organism found in prepuce
  • Opportunistic infection causing abscesses in epididymides
  • May be purulent discharge onto scrotal skin
  • Specimens cultured on blood agar and incubated aerobically for 1-3 days produce pin-point haemolytic colonies which are catalase-positive; no growth on MacConkey agar

Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans

  • Epididymitis in rams

Pages in category "Actinobacillus species"

The following 6 pages are in this category, out of 6 total.