Newcastle disease is a virus from the family Paramyxoviridae. Avian paramyxovirus 1 affects chickens, ducks, pheasants, geese and turkeys. The virus is stable in carcasses for weeks, so has the potential to affect a large amount of

Newcastle Disease
L. Mahin, Wikimedia Commons


Gallinaceous birds, pigeons, parrots, finches

Subclinical carriers: ducks, ostriches


Transmission via aerosol and direct contact Disease ranges from subclinical respiratory tract infections -> torticollis -> haemorrhages and death


Two diagnostic tests currently exist: Animal test: 1. Samples of trachea and gut of 20 birds are tested in eggs HI using anti-NDV serum (to differentiate HA caused by Avian Influenza Virulence of isolate tested by the speed it kills chicks

2. DNA test (which will soon replace the animal test): Sequencing the cleavage site of H gene The more basic amino acids the more virulent the virus


  • Newcastle Disease is NOTIFIABLE
  • Vaccination of chickens and racing pigeons
  • Surveillance of imported exotic birds
  • Isolation of infected stock
  • Infected premises to be culled and firebreak cull if spread