Reabsorption and Secretion Along the Distal Tubule and Collecting Duct - Renal Flash Cards - Anatomy & Physiology

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Question Answer Link
What are the two cells types of the distal tubule and what are their functions?
  • Principal cells
    • Absorb sodium
    • Excrete potassium and hydrogen
    • Site of action of Aldosterone
  • Intercalated cells
    • ATP driven proton secretion
Where does the collecting duct develop from? The branched ureteric bud Link
How is potassium excreted in the distal tubule? Using the potassium/chloride symporter Link
By which two methods is H+ secreted?
  • H+ ATPase
  • H+/K+ ATPase antiporter
Despite urea passively diffusing out of the collecting its concentration actually increases. Why? Water follows the urea as it is absorbed Link