Chlamydophila felis


Chlamydophila felis

  • Host adapted species in cats
  • Feline chlamydiosis
  • Feline conjunctivitis, rhinitis and rarely interstitial pneumonia
  • Epidemiology
    • Up to 10% cats infected
    • Infection via contact with conjunctival or nasal secretions
    • Infection may persist with prolonged shedding and clinical relapses
    • Stress of parturition and lactation may cause shedding of organisms leading to transmission to offspring
  • Clinical signs:
    • Incubation period 5 days
    • Conjunctival congestion, clear ocular discharge, blepharospasm
    • May have sneezing and nasal discharge
    • Resolves within a few weeks, or causes persistent infection
  • Diagnosis:
    • Intracytoplasmic inclusions in stained conjunctival smears
    • Antigen detection in ocular/nasal secretions - ELISA, PCR, Kosters, fluorescent antibody test
  • Modified live vaccines reduce clinical signs but do not prevent infection or shedding


ABCD information on C. felis in cats