Chrysomya bezziana

Screw Worm Myiasis

Screw worm larvae - John Kucharski - Wikimedia Commons
  • C. bezziana cause myiasis in both animals and humans
  • Located mainly in tropical regions
  • Larvae are obligate parasites


  • Longitudinal stripes on thorax
  • Larvae have bands of spines
    • Look like screws

Life cycle

  • Eggs laid in wounds or body cavities
  • Larvae feed as colonies
  • Larvae drop to the ground to pupate


  • Spiracles are exposed as larvae feed which expands the wound
    • Creates a foul smelling lesion
  • Cause irritation and pyrexia


  • In the USA
    • Mass eradication through the release of sterile males
    • Currently only persists where flies have migrated across the Mexican border
  • In Africa
    • Introduced into Libya through the importation of infested livestock
    • Sterile males released
    • Eradication occurred in 1991