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| OT
| OT
| E2
| E2
| Polyoestrous
| P4
| Polyoestrous
| T
| PGF2α
| PGE2
| hCG
| eCG
| PL
| '''Length of Oestous Cycle'''
| '''Biochemical Classification'''
| Every 4 days
| Neuropeptide (decapeptide)
| 30-35 days
| Glycoprotein
| 14 days
| Glycoprotein
| 4-6 days
| Protein
| 15-16 days
| Neuropeptide (Octapeptide)
| Every 4 days
| Steroid
| 4-5 days
| Steroid
| 4-5 days
| Steroid
| Glycoprotein
| Glycoprotein
| Prostaglandin (C20 fatty acid)
| Prostaglandin (C20 fatty acid)
| Glycoprotein
| Glycoprotein
| Protein
| '''Type of Ovulation'''
| '''Source'''
| Induced:Occurs Within 10 hours of Mating
| Hypothalamic Surge and Tonic Centres
| Spontaneous
| Anterior Pituitary (Gonadotroph Cells)
| Spontaneous
| Anterior Pituitary (Gonadotroph Cells)
| Spontaneous
| Anterior Pituitary (Lactotroph Cells)
| Spontaneous
| Synthesized in the Hypothalamus, Stored in the Posterior Pituitary, Synthesized by the Corpus Luteum
| Spontaneous
| Granulosa Cells of Follicle, Placenta and Sertoli Cells of Testes
| Spontaneous
| Corpus Luteum and Placenta
| Spontaneous
| Interstitial Leydig Cells of Testes, Theca Interna Cells of the Follicle
| Granulosa Cells (female), Sertoli Cells (male)
| Granulosa Cells (female), Sertoli Cells (male)
| Uterine Endometrium, Vesicular Glands
| Ovary, Uterus, Embryonic Membranes
| Trophoblast Cells of the Blastocyst (Chorion)
| Chorionic Girdle Cells
| Placenta
| '''Gestation Period'''
| '''Male Target Tissue'''
| 28-32 days
| Anterior Pituitary (Gonadotroph Cells)
| 111 days
| Testes (Leydig Cells)
| 28-32 days
| Testes (Sertoli Cells)
| 24-26 days
| Testes, Brain
| 63 days
| Smooth Muscle of Epididymal Tail, Ductus Deferens, Ampulla
| 15-18 days
| Brain, Inhibits Long Bone Growth
| 19-21 days
| Accessory Sex Glands, Tunica Dartos (Scrotum), Semniferous Epithelium, Skeletal Muscle
| 20-22 days
| Anterior Pituitary (Gonadotroph Cells)
| Anterior Pituitary (Gonadotroph Cells)
| Epididymis
| '''Average Litter Size'''
| '''Female Target Tissue'''
| 2-7
| Anterior Pituitary (Gonadotroph Cells)
| 2-3
| Ovary (Theca Interna and Luteal Cells)
| 2-6
| Ovary (Granulosa Cells)
| 3-6
| Mammary Cells, Corpus Luteum in Rodents
| 2-6
| Uterine Myometrium and Endometrium, Myoepithelial Cells of Mammary Glands
| 3-7
| Hypothalamus, Entire Tract, Mammary Gland
| 6-12
| Uterine Endometrium, Mammary Gland, Myometrium, Hypothalamus
| 6-12
| Brain, Skeletal Muscle, Granulosa Cells
| Anterior Pituitary (Gonadotroph Cells)
| Anterior Pituitary (Gonadotroph Cells)
| Corpus Luteum, Uterine Myometrium, Ovulatory Follicles
| Corpus Luteum, Oviduct
| Ovary
| Ovary
| Mammary Gland
| '''Type of Young at Birth'''
| '''Male Primary Action'''
| Altricial
| Release of FSH and LH from the Anterior Pituitary Gland
| Precocial
| Stimulates Testosterone Production
| Altricial
| Sertoli Cell Function
| Altricial
| Induce Maternal Behaviour
| Precocial
| PGF2α Synthesis, Pre-Ejaculatory Movement of Spermatozoa
| Altricial
| Sexual Behaviour
| Altricial
| Altricial
| Anabolic Growth, Promotes Spermatogenesis, Promotes Secretion of Accessory Sex Glands
| Inhibits FSH Secretion
| Stimulates FSH Secretion
| Affects Metabolic Activity of Spermatozoa, Epididymal Contractions
| Increased Growth of Foetal Testes
| '''Weaning Age'''
| '''Female Primary Action'''
| 4-6 weeks
| Release of FSH and LH from Anterior Pituitary Gland
| 6-8 weeks
| Stimulates Ovulation, Formation of Corpora Lutea and Progesterone Secretion
| 6-7 weeks
| Follicular Development, Oestradiol Synthesis
| 3-4 weeks
| Lactation, Maternal Behaviour, Corpora Lutea Function (some species)
| 3-4 weeks
| Uterine Motility, Uterine PGF2α Synthesis, Milk Ejection
| 3-4 weeks
| Sexual Behaviour, GnRH, Elevated Secretory Activity of Tract, Enhanced Uterine Motility
| 18 days
| Endometrial Secretion, Inhibits GnRH Release,Inhibits Reproductive Behaviour, Maintenance of Pregnancy
| 3 weeks
| Substrate For E2 Synthesis, Abnormal Masculinization
| Inhibits FSH Secretion
| '''Age of Sexual Maturity'''
| Stimulates FSH Secretion
| 5-8 months
| Luteolysis, Uterine Tone and Contraction, Ovulation
| 8 months
|Ovulation, Corpus Luteum Secretion of Progesterone
| 12 months
| Facilitates Ovarian Production of Progesterone
| 10-12 weeks
| Formation of Accessory Corpora Lutea
| 6-10 weeks
| Mammary Stimulation
| 6-10 weeks
| 3-4 weeks
| 5-6 weeks
