Learning Resources

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Welcome to Learning Resources on WikiVet
WikiVet contains a variety of useful learning resources. Have a look below at what we have now.

Flashcards are a self assessment tool with questions, answers and links to the relevant article on WikiVet.


Dragster - Drag and Drop activities are various anatomy images and labels for you to drag onto the relevant area. Correct answers are provided.


WikiQuiz contains multiple choice questions for various topics with feedback and links to the relevant WikiVet article.


Access the video bank WikiVet Media for a wide collection of high quality veterinary videos. There are also a large collection of WikiVet veterinary videos which are really popular with students - try them by clicking here.


Currently we have links to the largest collection of veterinary podcasts on the web covering a range of Clinical and Research topics.

Histology PowerPoints

Histology PowerPoint presentations which include self assessment of all key histological tissues

Computer Aided Learning

Computer Aided Learning contains interactive programs help you with your studies. There is a number available, particularly

SlideBoxDigital slide box.jpg

Histology slide images with the facility to view digital specimens at up to 40x magnification!