Cattle Medicine Flashcards provided by Manson Publishing


This category contains Cattle Medicine Q&A flashcards provided by Mansons publishing, as part of the OVAL Project. Each flashcard consists of descriptions of a Bovine case with questions and answer.

These questions are taken from the Cattle and Sheep Medicine Self-Assessment Colour Review book which features a total of 225 questions.


  1. 5yo Holstein Cow with a reduced appetite and milk yeild
  2. Limousin Bull with severe (10/10) lameness
  3. Recumbent 7yo Fresian Cow with a Uterine Prolapse
  4. 3mo Beef suckler calves with profuse diarrhoea
  5. Group of cattle with cough and purulent ocular and nasal discharges
  6. Single beef cow which is reluctant to move, has a mucopurulent nasal discharge and erosions on its muzzle
  7. Charolais-cross calf dull and unwilling to suckle with pyrexia and wide based stance
  8. Recumbent 10yo autumn calving Simmental x Friesian beef suckler cow that calved 36hrs ago at pasture with summer calvers
  9. Group of beef cattle with 4 weeks’ history of pruritus and extensive hair loss especially over the shoulder, neck, and ears
  10. Beef heifer to with a calf in anterior presentation with unilateral shoulder flexion
  11. 6yo Holstein cow in sternal recumbency, depressed, dehydrated with toxic mucous membranes having calved 36hrs earlier