Spasmodic Colic

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Clincal signs


Spasmodic colic is the most common cause of colic, it accounts for 72% of all colic cases, and 90% of colic cases seen in first-opinion practice. The eitiology of the condition is unknown, it is characterised by intermittent mild episodes of abdominal pain which is due to increased peristaltic activity in the gastro-intestinal tract.


Horses of any age and breed can be affcted. The condition has been associated with:

  • Heavy parasitic infection, especially tapeworms
  • Change in diet
  • Change in work
  • Excitement


Diagnosis can be made on a combination of clinical signs and response to treatment. The clinical signs are of mild colic, with hypermotile gut sounds on auscultation of the gastro-intestinal tract. The response to treatment is rapid and complete, or the discomfort may resolve spontaneously.

Cases are usually easily resolved by treating with a spasmolytic such as Buscopan, and a mild analgesic such as phenylbutazone.

See Colic Diagnosis in Horses

Medical Treatment of Colic in Horses