Brachyspira hyodysenteriae
Phylum Spirochaetes
Class Spirochaetes
Order Spirochaetales
Family Brachyspiraceae
Genus Brachyspira
Species B. hyodysenteriae

Brachyspira hyodysenteriae is an anaerobic spirochaete. It is the cause of swine dysentery.

Infection of Brachyspira hyodysenteriae is acquired via contaminated faeces. Dogs, rats, mice and flies may act as transport hosts.

B. hyodysenteriae survives several weeks in moist faeces. Carrier pigs shed B. hyodysenteriae for up to 3 months, acting as a source of infection for healthy pigs.

Spirochaetes can be differentiated by their pattern of haemolysis on blood agar as well as molecular techniques.

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