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The vagina constitutes the cranial part of the female copulatory organ and the vestibule constitutes the caudal part.

Anatomical Boundaries


  • Extends from the external ostium of the Uterus to the entrance of the Urethra.
  • Long and thin walled.
  • Located in the median position within the pelvic cavity.
  • Located between the rectum dorsally and bladder ventrally.
  • Mostly retroperitoneal, but the cranial parts are covered by peritoneum.

Cow & Mare

  • Protruding cervix restricts the lumen of the cranial vagina to a ring-like space known as the fornix.


  • Extends from the external urethral opening to the external vulva, so combines urinary and reproductive functions.
  • Shorter than the vagina.
  • Lies mostly behind the ischial arch, sloping ventrally to its opening at the vulva.
  • The wall contains vestibular glands.
    • Secretions from these glands keeps the mucosa of the vestibule moist and facilitates coitus and parturition.
    • At oestrus, the odour of these secretions sexually stimulates the male.

Histology and Innervation



  • Vestibular glands are small in the bitch, but numerous. Duct openings are arranged in a linear series.
  • Some minor vestibular glands are also present in the pig, sheep, cow and mare.
  • In the cow and Ewe, a large glandular mass is present on each side of the vestibule. This drains via a single duct.
  • Dark patches on the vestibular walls mark the position of vestibular bulbs.
    • Vestibular bulbs are a concentration of veins forming erectile tissue, this is the female homologue of the bulb of the penis.
