Category:WikiClinical FelineCow
Category:WikiClinical CanineCow

Typical Signalment

  • Both dogs and cats can develop this condition
  • Breeds of dog predisposed include:
    • Greyhounds
    • Maltese
    • Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
    • Minature Schnauzers
    • Laborador Retrievers


Stomatitis is the inflammation of the mucosa lining any structures within the mouth. This may include the lips, cheeks, tongue and gingiva.

Several different types of stomatitis have been described in the dog:

  • Chronic ulcerative paradental stomatitis - Seen on the buccal mucosa that overlie the teeth, especially in the area of the maxillary canine tooth, fourth premolar and the lateral edge of the tongue.Severe ulceration can occur together with gingival recession.
  • Ulcerative stomatitis - Ulcerations on the margins of the tongue are common together with a secondary lip-fold dermatitis due to excessive salivation.
  • Necrotizing stomatitis - A very painful condition in dogs that may be caused by opportunistic invasion of normal oral flora. Suspected causative organisms include Fusobacterium and spirochaetes. Invasion of these organisms is thought to be associated with reduced host resistance.
  • Uraemic stomatitis - Occurs as a result of uraemia due to renal disease. Severe stomatitis and ulceration of the oral mucosa as well as the margins of the tongue are seen with this condition. The lesions occur due to the bacterial degradation of urea to form ammonia together with dehydration and drying of the oral mucosa that results from renal disease.

Stomatitis in the cat:


Clinical Signs

  • severe halitosis
  • hypersalivation
  • thick, ropey saliva
  • anorexia caused by pain
  • malaise
  • febrile
  • weight loss
  • ulceration and bleeding of the gingiva.

Oral Examination

A thorough oral examination under general anaesthesia is often required to aid the diagnosis. Diagnosis is usually made by gross visualisation of the lesions. The mandibular lymph node smay also be enlarged.

Laboratory Tests

Clinical pathology may be carried out to assess renal function in the case of uraemic stomatitis. Culture and sensitivity tests may be required to aid diagnosis and enable specific treatment.


Often indicated to rule out other diseases such as pemphigus or other immunopathies


  • ==Prognosis==
  • ==References==