Corynebacterium bovis

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Corynebacterium bovis
Phylum Actinobacteria
Order Actinomycetales
Family Corynebacteriaceae
Genus Corynebacterium
Species C.bovis

Also known as: C.bovis

Corynebacterium bovis is a species of the Corynebacterium genus. It causes subclinical mastitis in cattle.

It is found in the teat cistern and causes a mild neutrophil response in the teat canal of healthy dairy cows and may protect against invasion from more pathogenic bacteria.

C.bovis is the only pathogenic Corynebacterium species that does not produce urease. It is a lipophilic bacterium that produces small, white, dry, non-haemolytic colonies on plates inoculated with bovine milk.

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Corynebacterium bovis and mastitis publications

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Full Text Articles
Full text articles available from CAB Abstract
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Corynebacterium bovis - friend or foe? Huxley, J. N.; Green, M. J.; Bradley, A. J.; Institute of Animal Health, Newbury, UK, British Mastitis Conference 2003, Lancashire, UK, 8th October 2003, 2003, pp 23-34, 44 ref.

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