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'''A six-year-old female spayed DSH cat presented for chronic weight loss and a recent history of vomiting and severe lethargy. Physical examination revealed pale, icteric mucous membranes. The temperature was 38°C (100.4°F) and pulse and respiration rates were slightly increased. Abdominal palpation and radiographs revealed diffuse hepatomegaly. Examination of a peripheral blood smear indicated RBC shape abnormalities including severe acanthocytosis. Abnormal biochemistry values were: AST = 150 U/l (ref. = 2–36 U/l); ALT = 350 U/l (ref. = 6–80 U/l); ALP = 135 U/l (ref. = 2–43 U/l); bilirubin = 68 μmol/l (ref. = 0–3.4 μmol/l). An FNA of the liver was obtained and a smear made (29a) (Wright–Giemsa, ×25).'''
'''A six-year-old female spayed DSH cat presented for chronic weight loss and a recent history of vomiting and severe lethargy. Physical examination revealed pale, icteric mucous membranes. The temperature was 38°C (100.4°F) and pulse and respiration rates were slightly increased. Abdominal palpation and radiographs revealed diffuse hepatomegaly. Examination of a peripheral blood smear indicated RBC shape abnormalities including severe acanthocytosis. Abnormal biochemistry values were: AST = 150 U/l (ref. = 2–36 U/l); ALT = 350 U/l (ref. = 6–80 U/l); ALP = 135 U/l (ref. = 2–43 U/l); bilirubin = 68 μmol/l (ref. = 0–3.4 μmol/l). An FNA of the liver was obtained and a smear made (Wright–Giemsa, ×25).'''
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