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== About me ==
== About me ==
[[Image:Unholy Trinity.jpg|thumb|right|150px|My first litter of abandoned hedgehogs ' The Unholy Trinity', Summer 2006]]
[[Image:Snickers.jpg|thumb|right|150px| Another orphaned hedgehog in my care, unfortunately died of Ecoli!]]
[[Image:Maitai.jpg|thumb|right|150px| 'Maitai' the cat who thinks she's a dog]]
I am a second year BVetMed student at RVC, London. My life at the RVC began as a student on the Veterinary Gateway Programme, which was a 1 year preparatory course for the BVetMed (for more information on this amazing opportunity visit www.rvc.ac.uk). Next year I am studying an intercalated BSc in Infection at UCL. I am particularly interested in wildlife medicine and foster orphaned hedgehogs for re-release.  I also keep African Pygmy Hedgehogs as pets and will be breeding them in the very near future. Aside from the hedgehogs, I share my home with three cats - a constant source of amusement.
Aside from university life I love music and art. Most of my free time is spent going to gigs and listening to metal/rock music (that i'm sure my neighbours take much offence to) or drawing (badly).
==What I hope to get out of this project ==
==What I hope to get out of this project ==
An opportunity to read around and understand topics without the pressure of approaching exams and the usual time constraints. I also think it's a good opportunity to access notes from other vet schools and work with other students and lecturers.
== My best learning experience in the past ==
== Curriculum area that interests me ==
== Curriculum area that interests me ==
My passion is for Immunology and Pathology (hence the intercalated BSc).
== Topics that are difficult ==
== Topics that are difficult ==
Musculoskeletal system - orthopaedics will NEVER be my specialty!
== Sections I've been working on ==
* [[:Category:Reproductive System - Anatomy & Physiology|Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology]]
** [[Reproductive System Overview - Anatomy & Physiology#Overview_of_the_Reproductive_system|Overview of the Reproductive System]]
** [[:Category:Puberty|Puberty]]
** [[:Category:Reproductive_Behaviour|Reproductive Behaviour]]
** [[:Category:Female Reproduction|Female Reproductive Tract]]
**[[:Category:Pregnancy and Parturition|Fertilisation, Implantation and Early Embryonic Development, Parturition]]
** [[Puerperium - Anatomy & Physiology|The Puerperium]]
** [[Lactation - Anatomy & Physiology|Lactation]]
** [[:Category:Reproductive_Technologies|Reproductive Technologies]]
** [[:Category:Camelid Reproduction|Reproduction in Camelids (Llamas and Alpacas)]]
** [[:Category:Small Mammal Reproduction|Reproduction in Small Domestic Mammals]]
** [[:Category:Exotic Reproduction|Reproduction in Exotics]]
== What involvement (if any!) I would like to have with the project in the future ==
* I'd be happy to continue editing the Wiki in the future.
==Day one thoughts==
===What (three things) I learn't today===
===What I still need to learn===
===How I feel about what has happened today===
==Three weeks into the wikivet project (or thereabouts)==
===Sections I've been working on===
* [[Pancreas]]
===What I feel I've gained so far from being involved in the project===
===Problems or issues that I've had or can forsee===
* T
===My suggestions for improving the way the project works for the future===
===What involvement (if any!) I would like to have with the project in the future===

Revision as of 11:00, 30 June 2008

Your name

Contact details

About me

What I hope to get out of this project

My best learning experience in the past

Curriculum area that interests me

Topics that are difficult

Day one thoughts

What (three things) I learn't today

What I still need to learn

How I feel about what has happened today

Three weeks into the wikivet project (or thereabouts)

Sections I've been working on

What I feel I've gained so far from being involved in the project

Problems or issues that I've had or can forsee

  • T

My suggestions for improving the way the project works for the future

What involvement (if any!) I would like to have with the project in the future