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'''3D Model Horse's Leg'''<br>
This 3D model of the horse’s leg was created as a free online resource that could be made available via web browsers. To develop this model, an image dataset from the Equine Department at the RVC was used. The result is an interactive experience where users can learn more about how a horse’s foot is built up.
'''A Surgical Guide to Subcutaneous Ureteral Bypass System'''<br>
http://www.norfolkvetproducts.com/PDF'S/SUB%20surgery%20for%20email%20April%202013.pdf r_url<br>
'''Academic Writing for Veterinary Nurses'''<br>
This resource is targeted at native speakers who need guidance in academic writing, specifically the Graduate Diploma in Professional and Clinical Veterinary Nursing. This course provides a variety of presentation styles to engage students who may be put off by text-heavy packages.
'''Anaesthesia UK'''<br>
Educational site with training resources for anaesthetic professionals. It provides interactive practice questions, journal abstracts and reference articles for the Primary FRCA, Final FRCA, Irish FCARCSI, European Diploma of Anaesthesiology, American Board examinations, and currently receives over 30,000 page views daily. The site currently has over 29,000 registered clinicians. Try clicking 'Resources --> Physics and Equipment --> Breathing Circuits'
'''Anal Sacculectomy'''<br>
Paper from Colorado State University, 2008. Discussion on methods, indications and anatomy for anal sacculectomy.
'''Anatomy 3D'''<br>
Online animation which allows you to view the skeleton and separate bones of the dog in 3D. Also allows you to view 3D animation of the heart, lungs and ribs. Developed by University of Bristol & Creative Dimension Software Ltd .
'''Anatomy and Physiology Essentials'''<br>
You may find this on line anatomy and physiology resource useful. It is human based but despite this there are some very useful animations and quizzes which are applicable to veterinary species as well as man. The website accompanies the textbook 'Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology' by Stevens, Steely and Tate.
'''Anatomy and Physiology of Animals'''<br>
This wikibook describes the structure of the animal body and the way in which it works. Animals encountered in normal veterinary practice are used as examples where possible. The material is divided into 16 chapters.
'''Animal Health and Welfare in Organic Farming'''<br>
This compendium on Animal Health and Welfare in Organic Farming is a reference and training tool. It was produced by the Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics Research Unit, University of Reading, with funding from MAFF. This program summaries nearly all diseases of farm animals very consisely and is an excellent revision tool.
'''Animation on gluconeogenesis'''<br>
Interactive animation covering concepts in gluconeogenesis
'''Arnold's Glossary of Anatomy'''<br>
Anatomical word search engine.
'''Avian Adenoviruses'''<br>
http://www.oie.int/doc/ged/D9436.PDF r_url<br>
Paper on some important viruses in poultry medicine. J.B. McFerran and J.A. Smyth. 2000.
'''Bad Bug Book'''<br>
This U.S. Food and Drug Administration site provides basic facts about foodborne diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, parasites and toxins.
'''Basic Farm Skills'''<br>
A number of videos showing basic farm skills by farmers weekly, including lamb care, entropian in lambs, castration and tail docking, navel ill, orf, endoparasites/wormers, disbudding, AI training, mobility scoring, colostrum testing, foot trimming, housing, dry cow therapy
'''Basic Livestock Handling'''<br>
http://www.grandin.com/behaviour/principles/principles.html r_url<br>
recommended basic livestock handling and safety tips presented as a series of articles.
'''Basic Mare Reproduction Techniques'''<br>
Video (18 minutes 11 seconds) demonstration of mare reproduction techniques.
'''Basics of metabolism'''<br>
Video (11 minutes) discussing basic principles of metabolism and metabolic pathways by someone who studied medicine.
'''Bayer flea infestation information video'''<br>
Information about the pathophysiology of flea infection (2 minutes) from Bayer.
'''BCF Technologies'''<br>
http://www.uk-ireland.bcftechnology.com/learning/small-animal r_url<br>
Site with a lot of learning material for using different imaging modalities. Useful for when you're in practice looking at images. Very useful booklets on bovine reproduction with great pictures. Covers bovine/equine/small animals
'''Bearded dragon handling video '''<br>
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeaeFpBEOEY&feature=related r_url<br>
Video demonstrating how to handle a bearded dragon (22 seconds, Harper Adams).
'''Bioethics Case Study Scenarios'''<br>
Bioethic case study scenarios arranged by topic to promote classroom discussion and literacy assignments. Topics to choose from include agriculture, animals, biotechnology, environment, humans, plants, research ethics, veterinary medicine. Scenarios are great for writing assignments and class discussions
'''Biology of the Goat'''<br>
Useful website with animations, covering goat anatomy, reproduction, digestion, lactation and parasite life cycles.
'''Bluetongue DEFRA'''<br>
Link to DEFRA's Bluetongue pages. Information on latest news, movement guidelines, European situation, the disease, advice, surveillance and control, legislation and key publications.
'''Bovine Radiography Atlas'''<br>
A comprehensive atlas of bovine radiography showing multiple views, each accompanied by information about the projection, technique and structures in the radiograph.
'''BPEX (British Pig Executive)'''<br>
Further information on pigs including current prices.
'''British Pig Association (BPA) page on pedigree pig breeds'''<br>
Find out about different pig breeds by clicking on the pictures.
'''British Veterinary Nursing Association (BVNA)'''<br>
http://www.bvna.org.uk/ r_url<br>
The aim of the British Veterinary Nursing Association is to promote animal health and welfare through the ongoing development of professional excellence in veterinary nursing'.
'''Business Plan Video'''<br>
A short video (2 minutes 26 seconds) which briefly outlines how and why to write a business plan. By the U.S Small Business Administration.
'''BVA responsible use of antimicrobials'''<br>
BVA antimicrobial poster and information on responsible use.
'''Calves - Clinical Information and Forms'''<br>
A collection of useful clinical information on calves and data collection forms.
'''Canine Hip dysplasia'''<br>
Video (6 minutes 51 minutes) covering basic aspects of canine hip dysplasia (predispositions, what is is, symptoms and diagnosis). Produced by Vetstoria.com.
'''Capnography '''<br>
Fantastic website with lots of information about capnography (an essential element of standard anaesthesia monitoring).
'''Cardiac Cycle '''<br>
http://www.vetgo.com/cardio/media/anims/hyperheart.htm r_url<br>
An animated tutorial on the cardiac cycle.
'''Cardiovascular Physiology Concepts'''<br>
A website contains resources on cardiovascular physiology concepts written for students, academics and health professionals.
'''Case Studies in Small Animal Cardiovascular Medicine'''<br>
This site is designed to present small animal patients with cardiovascular disease examined by the faculty and residents working in the Cardiology Service at the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital (VMTH) at UC-Davis. The format is that of a rounds session in which the signalment, history, and physical examination findings are presented on the first page followed by diagnostic studies, quizzes, follow-up, and case discussion.
'''Cat Toxicities '''<br>
http://www.ansci.cornell.edu/plants/toxcat/toxcat.html r_url<br>
Cornell university website detailing poisons affecting cats (human drugs, methylxanthines, ethylene glycol, metals and pesticides).
'''Centre for Dairy Information'''<br>
Useful information portal containing a range of information (data and statistics, health and welfare, management and societies) and web-based tools.
'''Clinical management of the geriatric horse and pony'''<br>
Nicola Jarvis, In Practice, 2003. Good overview of orthopaedic and medical cases encountered by the equine vet with older animals.
'''Companion Animal Parasite Council (CAPC)'''<br>
Website that gives an overview of the common parasites in dogs and cats. Includes information on: prevalence, signs of infection, diagnosis and treatment.
'''Comparison of open and laparoscopic ovariohysterectomy.'''<br>
Paper from 2005 on the duration, complications, stress, and pain of open ovariohysterectomy (OVH) versus a simple method of laparoscopic-assisted OVH in dogs.
'''CPCR – Advanced Life Support '''<br>
http://www.vin.com/VINDBPub/SearchPB/Proceedings/PR05000/PR00464.htm r_url<br>
The following link will take you to a paper written by Harold Davis RVT, VTS [ECC] on the topic of cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation. Harold Davis is a graduate of the California state university Sacramento, receiving a BA degree in Biology. Currently he is the manager of the emergency and critical care service at the veterinary medical teaching hospital at UC, Davis. He has extensive experience in the field of emergency and critical care medicine, both in private and university.
'''Cranial nerve tests and observations '''<br>
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8f9-GPW9IE&feature=related  r_url<br>
A detailed video on how to perform a neurological examination on the cranial nerves (4 minutes 12 seconds).
'''Cranial Nerves'''<br>
A comprehensive booklet on cranial nerves (anatomy and branches etc).
'''Cruciate Ligament Rupture in Dogs'''<br>
Video (4 minutes 33 seconds) showing the symptoms and diagnosis of cruciate ligament rupture in dogs. Produced by vetstoria.com
'''Cutting Edge - Basic Veterinary Surgery Techniques'''<br>
A site that helps you learn basic surgery tecniques with videos and information. Produced by VetVisuals International.
'''Dairy Cattle Nutrition'''<br>
Resources and publications on dairy cattle nutrition, provided by Penn State Extension Dairy team. Includes specific information on heifers and calves.
'''Dealing with proudflesh '''<br>
An interesting article in the Horse and Hound about dealing with proudflesh. 2004.
'''Dechra '''<br>
http://www.dechra.co.uk/ r_url<br>
Explore this website to find some excellent information about veterinary products.
'''Dechra Videos '''<br>
http://www.youtube.com/user/DechraAcademy r_url<br>
Dechra youtube site with helpful videos including how to pill a cat and clear a dogs ears
'''DEFRA EMS Information'''<br>
Animal Health offer placements to veterinary undergraduates giving them the opportunity to see the work of government veterinarians and technical officers as they manage and support animal health and welfare and conservation. this site will give you more information
'''Dental Care Guidelines for Dogs and Cats'''<br>
A document by the American Animal Hospital Association which provides guidelines for: materials and equipment, dental cleaning and evaluation, client communication and pet home care
'''Developmental Anatomy - Gametogenesis and Fertilization'''<br>
This resource provides an animated description of gametogenesis and fertilisation.
'''Developmental Biology of the Skin'''<br>
Interactive study guide on the biology of the skin (includes quiz).
'''Diagnosis and treatment of equine osteochondrosis'''<br>
Interesting to look at developments in research and treatment plans (In Practice, Ian Wright, 2005)
'''Diagnosis and treatment of osteoarthritis (OA) in dogs'''<br>
Article exploring OA and current thoughts relating to diagnosis and treatments (In Practice, John Innes, 1995)
'''Dictionary of Veterinary Terms'''<br>
Useful dictionary covering many important veterinary terms.
'''Digestive pathway of infection in Streptococcus dysgalactiae polyarthritis in lambs'''<br>
Good practice for critically reviewing a paper, less so on the information contained
'''DNA from the beginning'''<br>
An excellent website with lots of information about DNA
'''DNA Restriction Enzymes'''<br>
'''Dog grooming videos '''<br>
http://www.ehow.com/videos-on_198_groom-dog.html r_url<br>
The following informative videos demonstrate how to groom, bathe and perform various other grooming procedures on dogs.
'''Dog Trust training videos '''<br>
http://www.dogstrust.org.uk/az/t/training/#.UGnoVk3A-uk r_url<br>
The Dogs trust have produced a series of short videos, Dog Training Made Easy, explaining why training dogs is so important and demonstrating how you can teach a dog basic training and commands
'''Effect of pimobendan in patients with chronic heart failure'''<br>
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2858999/ r_url<br>
Pathomechansims and use of pimobendan in CHF. Is a human paper.
'''EMS Driving License'''<br>
This is a resource that will prepare you for your veterinery EMS placements.
'''Engage in Research'''<br>
http://www.engageinresearch.ac.uk/ r_url<br>
Interactive Resource for Bioscience Students
'''Environment and Genetic Makeup Influence Behaviour'''<br>
'''Equine Dissection'''<br>
Great collection of images from a dissection of a horse
'''Equine Lameness Diagnosis'''<br>
Echo 360 recording from Nottingham University: 'Looking and Seeing - Art of Equine Lameness Diagnosis'. This lecture illustrates, by case examples, the importance of observation in the diagnosis of lameness with emphasis on the problem solving approach.
'''Equine Nasal and Paranasal Sinus Tumours. Part 1: Review of the Literature and Tumour Classification'''<br>
Nice review of anatomy and common tumours of the equine sinuses
'''Factsheet on Colic '''<br>
http://www.rvc.ac.uk/supervets/documents/equine/colic.pdf r_url<br>
Vetstream factsheet on colic
'''Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC) report on the welfare of pigs kept outdoors'''<br>
Detailed report covering various factors affecting pigs kept outdoors
'''Film Faults in Radiography'''<br>
Website which gives picture examples of common film faults, why they occur, and what needs to be changed in order to improve the image. Also provides a quiz to test yourself at the end.
'''Final year vet revision help'''<br>
Collection of useful websites collated by Liz Mossop, Nottingham University.
'''Flashcards on signalling receptors'''<br>
Some great flashcards on signalling receptors!
'''Fracture classification and methods of rectification'''<br>
Website showing fracture classification and different methods of rectification and the instrumentation required
'''G Proteins'''<br>
A website which has some great information that describes the structure and function of G proteins
'''Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus '''<br>
Interesting website about GDV
'''Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus Animation '''<br>
http://www.michvet.com/library/surgery_gdv.asp r_url<br>
Information on GDV. Also includes an animation to help visualise what happens to the stomach when it is distended during GDV
'''Glucose metabolism'''<br>
Great overview of endocrine regulation of glucose metabolism
'''Good responses seen in rescue radiotherapy in abdominal lymphoma of cats'''<br>
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21216169 r_url<br>
Abdominal irradiation as a rescue therapy for feline gastrointestinal lymphoma: a retrospective study of 11 cats (2001-2008).
'''Government advice on farming'''<br>
Page with links to lots of information on different farming topics
'''Great flashcards about the approach to bovine dystocia'''<br>
'''Hamster care video '''<br>
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CX8laIBPxw&feature=related r_url<br>
Video discussing habitat, equipment and food for syrian hamsters
'''Hand hygiene from WHO '''<br>
http://www.who.int/gpsc/clean_hands_protection/en/index.html r_url<br>
The World Health Organization website also provides a wealth of information on hand hygiene. Follow this link to download a poster with the correct hand washing technique in pictures.
'''Hand Washing and Personal Protective Equipment '''<br>
These videos show demonstrations of the correct procedure to follow when performing hand washing, there are also two videos demonstrating the correct method to put on a surgical mask and a gown.
'''Harvard Referencing '''<br>
http://libweb.anglia.ac.uk/referencing/harvard.htm r_url<br>
This is a fantastic site and will help you compile reference lists and tell you how to site references within the text
'''Hills Pet Nutrition'''<br>
http://www.hillspet.co.uk/en-gb/index.html r_url<br>
This website provides information on cat and dog health; products and company information.
'''Histology fixatives and fixation '''<br>
http://users.adam.com.au/royellis/fix.htm r_url<br>
Useful website outlining fixatives and fixation techniques used in histology
'''Histology Guide'''<br>
http://www.histologyguide.org/Slide_Box/Slide_Box.html r_url<br>
Virtual histology laboratory with a large collection of histological images from different cells, tissues and organ systems
'''Histology of the female reproductive system'''<br>
Website with information and images covering the histology of the female reproductive tract
'''Histology of the gastrointestinal tract'''<br>
Great resource to understand the histology of the gastrointestinal tract
'''Histology of the male reproductive system'''<br>
Website with lots of information and images on the histology of the male reproductive tract
'''Histology staining techniques '''<br>
http://www.bristol.ac.uk/vetpath/cpl/histmeth.htm r_url<br>
Excellent website from the University of Bristol outlining histology stains
'''History of X Rays'''<br>
Resource outlining the history of x rays
'''Improving Pasture for better returns'''<br>
Overview of pasture types and their management, with rotation, soil types and stocking and relating this to economic returns.
'''Information on pig production'''<br>
'''Information on the Inflammatory Response'''<br>
'''Innate Immune System'''<br>
An overview of the innate immune system including an explanation of the complement cascade, phagocytic cells, mast cells, and basophils.
A journal from the British Veterinary Association (BVA)
'''Interactive Pig Anatomy'''<br>
Images of pig anatomical specimens were animated using Flash to provide an interactive tool for the revision of anatomical structures. Accompanying text helps to provide important background information about the structures.
'''International Cat Care'''<br>
Excellent website about felines
'''Internet research skills for veterinary medicine'''<br>
This is a free online tutorial to help university students develop their Internet research skills.
'''Investigating the importance of lameness and its overall effect on milk yield'''<br>
Associations between sole ulcer, white line disease and digital dermatitis and the milk yield of 1824 dairy cows on 30 dairy cow farms in England and Wales from February 2003-November 2004
'''Johne's disease - general FAQs'''<br>
Up-to-date answers to frequently asked questions about Johne's disease
'''Journal of Experimental Biology'''<br>
'''JoVE - Peer Reviewed Scientific Video Journal'''<br>
A great site which presents peer reviewed scientific journals in a video format
'''Junctions Between Cells'''<br>
A website which describes the different types of junctions that exist between cells
'''Kinase Linked Receptor Interactive activity'''<br>
'''Lambing Video'''<br>
Video showing how to lamb and the signs to watch for.
'''Laparoscopic versus open ovariohysterectomy (OVH) in dogs'''<br>
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14687188 r_url<br>
'A further study looking at laparoscopic and open OVH. Is this the way practice surgery will go?' Scientific paper comparing laparoscopic ovariohysterectomy and ovariohysterectomy in dogs.
'''LearnHigher - Resources for Students'''<br>
LearnHigher resources cover the main areas that students seek advice on outside of their academic subject.
'''Limb Development'''<br>
Some information on limb development with a link to a great animation
'''Looking at the many methods of treatment for elbow dysplasia and medial compartment disease in dogs'''<br>
Techniques of Application and Initial Clinical Experience with Sliding Humeral Osteotomy for Treatment of Medial Compartment Disease of the Canine Elbow
'''Lymphosarcoma in an alpaca'''<br>
Something a little different. Alpacas as pets are on the increase and so you many encounter them on rotation or in your career. This paper discusses a case of a 16 month old alpaca with lymphosarcoma.
'''Major Histocompatability Complex'''<br>
Information on the immune system and the Major Histocompatability Complex (MHC)
'''Management of joint disease in the sport horse'''<br>
http://www.ker.com/library/proceedings/10/Management%20of%20Joint%20Disease%20in%20the%20Sport%20Horse.pdf r_url<br>
Overview of pathophysiology and current therapies for the treatment of joint disease in horses
'''Mast Cell Tumours'''<br>
Overview of canine mast cell tumours, grading/malignancy and treatment
'''Mastitis Case Studies'''<br>
'''McGraw Hill'''<br>
Website with some really useful medical animations covering a wide range of topics
'''Melanoma in Horses: Current Perspectives'''<br>
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.2042-3292.2011.00368.x/full r_url<br>
Overview of the current opinions on melanoma in horses
'''Menace Reflex '''<br>
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1irGIB3ZSVQ r_url<br>
A video showing how to test for a menace reflex
'''Merck Veterinary Manual '''<br>
The Merck Veterinary Manual is the single most comprehensive electronic reference for animal care information.
'''Mice Handling Video'''<br>
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VISwqb_otNg&feature=related r_url<br>
Video demonstrating how to handle a mouse
'''Mitral valve repair under cardiopulmonary bypass in small-breed dogs: 48 cases (2006-2009)'''<br>
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22559109 r_url<br>
Is this the future for treatment of mitral valve disease in dogs?
'''Monitoring Neuromuscular blockade: an update'''<br>
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19222435 r_url<br>
Current approaches for monitoring the neurmosucular blockade used in ocular surgery
'''NADIS - National Animal Disease Information Service'''<br>
Found out information on diseases affecting farm animals
'''Neoplasia nomenclature'''<br>
'''nice little summary for cattle farmers about respiratory disease ty'''<br>
Summary of different respiratory disease types on cattle farms, management suggestions, cost to the economy, as well as suggested management changes
'''Nottingham Veterinary Images '''<br>
A database produced by the university of nottingham
'''Nursing Theories '''<br>
A paper which: introduces the ideas of different nursing theories; explains the development of nursing theories; discusses their importance; and highlights some main nursing theories and their concepts.
'''Oestrogen and Progesterone in Pregnancy'''<br>
Information on the importance of oestrogen and progesterone hormones in implantation, gestation, lactation and parturition
'''Oklahoma State University - breeds of livestock '''<br>
http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/breeds/ r_url<br>
Contains information and pictures of the common and not-so-common breeds of cattle, sheep, horses, goats, swine and other livestock.
'''Online Anatomy Revision Lectures'''<br>
The Online Veterinary Anatomy Museum (OVAM) project presents a series of free online revision lectures covering key topics brought to you by leading anatomists. Each lecture will last an hour and provides essential viewing for: Comparative Functional Anatomy of the Forelimb; The Digestive System; The Thorax; and The Skull, Mandible and Dental Anatomy of the Dog and Cat.
'''Online Veterinary Anatomy Museum (OVAM)'''<br>
Collection of anatomy resources organised into species, system and region covered
'''Orthopaedic Conditions'''<br>
Thorough overview of common orthopaedic conditions with models/videos/animations/radiographs etc and their treatment options
'''Osteochondrosis in horses'''<br>
1997 paper on osteochondrosis helps give a good understanding of pathophysiology
'''Overview of Respiratory Diseases of Pigs'''<br>
Broad summary of porcine respiratory diseases produced by Merck Manual so clear and succinct!
'''Palpebral Reflex'''<br>
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_zdjL51qoU r_url<br>
A video showing a normal palpebral reflex in a dog
'''Parts of the Microscope'''<br>
Parts of the Microscope
'''Passive Stay Apparaatus'''<br>
A brief overview of the equine stay apparatus
'''Patellar luxation'''<br>
'''Patent Ductus Arteriosus '''<br>
A website with an overview of PDA's.
'''Penn Veterinary Medicine Computer Aided Learning'''<br>
Collection of eLearning resources from Penn University.
'''Pigs: Serious about Salmonella'''<br>
Video on salmonella in pig production.
Practice your muscle knowledge on a human model
'''Pork training'''<br>
A fantastic open access course, full of information from those working in pork production systems
'''Poultry Hatching Part 1 (of 2)'''<br>
The first of two parts of an educational video about Incubation and the Hatchery in poultry production.
'''Poultry Hatching Part 2 (of 2)'''<br>
The second of two parts of an educational video about Incubation and the Hatchery in poultry production.
'''Principles of glucocorticoid treatment'''<br>
A website outlining the action of glucocorticoids
'''Principles of surgery'''<br>
Information and videos about the principles of surgery including: surgical instruments, preparing equipment for surgery, preparing patients for surgery, preparing the surgeon for surgery and sutures.
'''Production cycles and stats'''<br>
Some great information on UK Agriculture such as the pig production cycle as seen in typical systems
'''Pugs, Coughing, Wheezing, and Elongated Soft Palette '''<br>
Pugs are one of the brachycephalic or short faced breeds of dogs with breathing problems. This video shows surgery carried out to shorten the soft palate and opened up a dog's nares
'''Pupillary Light Response'''<br>
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2XzBaOOX8g r_url<br>
A video showing how to test for a pupillary light response
'''Pus in the foot '''<br>
http://www.horseandhound.co.uk/horsecare/1376/61427.html r_url<br>
An interesting article in the Horse and Hound about treating pus in the foot
Resource that lets you make your own flashcards so you can test yourself
'''Rabbit handling and restraint '''<br>
http://www.medirabbit.com/EN/Surgery/Restraint/Handling.htm r_url<br>
This website has some good information on handling rabbits for examination and transport within the veterinary clinic.
'''Rabbit handling video '''<br>
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vP1EZSugKPc&feature=related r_url<br>
'''RasMol Molecular Imaging'''<br>
Molecular graphics program for the visualization of proteins, nucleic acids and small molecules.
'''Rat handling video '''<br>
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVwtJAbik2c&feature=related r_url<br>
Video demonstrating how to handle a rat
'''RCVS Code of Professional Conduct for Veterinary Nurses'''<br>
Contains all the professional guidance for registered veterinary nurses including principles of practice and professional responsibilities.
'''Regeneration: what does it mean and how does it work?'''<br>
Some information discussing regeneration and stem cells
'''Regimes for footbathing'''<br>
Practical advice for footbathing cattle
'''Reproductive cycles, ovarian cycle and corpus luteum '''<br>
Information on the female reproductive cycle
'''Respiratory disease in sheep'''<br>
Suggested reading on respiratory disease in sheep
'''Respiratory problems in the horse'''<br>
Nice summary from the RVC vets for clients "respiratory problems in your horse"
'''Review of the importance of infectious bronchitis in poultry species'''<br>
Infectious bronchitis virus variants: a review of the history, current situation and control measures.
'''Risk Factors for Coughing in Dogs with Naturally Acquired Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease'''<br>
Coughing is not indicative of chronic heart failure in dogs with MMVD
'''Rodent and rabbit anaesthesia'''<br>
Rodent and rabbit anaesthesia lecture, clear and simple to understand
'''Rooney's guide to dissection of the horse'''<br>
This database of color images is designed to be a supplement to the text ROONEY'S GUIDE TO THE DISSECTION OF THE HORSE, 7th edition, Orsini and Sack. This site will provide users with a large number of images additional to those that appear in the book. This resource contains detailed and annotate dissected specimens, covering the entire horse.
'''RSPCA page on pig farming and welfare'''<br>
Information produced by the RSPCA on pig farming, welfare issues and how to help
'''Rumen Biochemistry'''<br>
A resource for self-directed learning about metabolism in the reticulo-rumen.
'''Rumen Motility Model'''<br>
A model of contractions in the rumen that cause rumen motility (really good)
'''Sample Veterinary Nursing Papers RCVS'''<br>
3 veterinary nursing sample papers and answers provided by the RCVS to give an idea about the types of questions that will be asked in the theory exams.
'''Sanger Sequencing Animation'''<br>
Animation describing the stages involved in Sanger Sequencing
'''Selecting ear drops for dogs with otitis externa'''<br>
With so many options out there and clinicians in practice varying their approaches, good reading to help discern your approach when out in practice.
'''Sheep Breeds'''<br>
Some information on various sheep breeds from the National Sheep Association
Find some really useful presentations
'''Spermatogenesis animation'''<br>
Animation on spermatogenesis with self assessment questions
'''Statistics- An Intuitive Introduction'''<br>
This is a suite of programs which aim to help you develop an intuitive understanding of the basic concepts underlying statistical methods, quantitative methods, how these concepts are put into practice, how to work with data and display their properties effectively and what techniques to use in which circumstances.
'''Stem Cell Basics'''<br>
This primer on stem cells is intended for anyone who wishes to learn more about the biological properties of stem cells, the important questions about stem cells that are the focus of scientific research, and the potential use of stem cells in research and in treating disease. The primer includes information about stem cells derived from embryonic and non-embryonic tissues. Much of the information included here is about stem cells derived from human tissues, but some studies of animal-derived stem cells are also described.
'''Stem cell research & therapy: types of stem cells and their current uses'''<br>
Fact sheet with information covering the use and applications of stem cells in research
'''Study showing the benefits of Pimobendan in extending life expectancy in dogs with MMVD'''<br>
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1939-1676.2008.0150.x/abstract?deniedAccessCustomisedMessage=&userIsAuthenticated=false r_url<br>
Effect of Pimobendan or Benazepril Hydrochloride on Survival Times in Dogs with Congestive Heart Failure Caused by Naturally Occurring Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease: The QUEST Study
'''Subtle signs of colic '''<br>
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8Qiq5k3C9E&feature=related r_url<br>
a video showing a horse displaying subtle signs of colic to look out for
'''Taking Care of Wounds'''<br>
http://practicalplasticsurgery.org/docs/Practical_09.pdf r_url<br>
Overview of wound types and different methods/types of bandaging/dressings.
'''Textbook of Small animal Orthopaedics'''<br>
This project contains the entire contents of the "Textbook of Small Animal Orthopaedics" written by Charles D. Newton, D.V.M., M.S. and David M. Nunamaker, V.M.D. Contains information such as: bone anatomy, operative considerations in orthopaedic surgery, fractures, dislocations and complications of surgery
'''The benefit of pimobendan in delaying the progression of preclinical dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM)'''<br>
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1939-1676.2012.01026.x/full r_url<br>
Efficacy of Pimobendan in the Prevention of Congestive Heart Failure or Sudden Death in Doberman Pinschers with Preclinical Dilated Cardiomyopathy (The PROTECT Study)
'''The canine skeleton in Real 3D Anatomy'''<br>
The canine skeleton in Real 3D Anatomy using anatomical models to aid e-learning. Created using high quality detailed photographs, resulting in photorealistic 3D models. The presentations include hotspots, links and overlays.
'''The Embryo Project Encyclopedia'''<br>
Website with resources providing information on embryos, development and reproduction
'''The equine head and it's various components'''<br>
Information on topics of the equine head including blood supply, cranial nerves, dentition, description of muscles, innervation, larynx, nasal cavity, sinuses, skeleton and skull
'''The Histology Page '''<br>
http://users.adam.com.au/royellis/histo.html r_url<br>
A range of histology techniques including tissue processing, microtomy, fixation, stains.
'''The Hong Kong Veterinary Association '''<br>
http://www.hkva.org/index.asp r_url<br>
An officialy recognised professional association for veterinarians in Hong Kong.
'''The horse with azoturia '''<br>
http://www.horseandhound.co.uk/horsecare/1370/65612.html r_url<br>
An interesting article in the Horse and Hound about how to recognise azoturia
'''The Immune System - Key Terms'''<br>
A simple glossary of key terms associated with the immune system
'''The Language of Dermatology'''<br>
Interactive study guide on the language of dermatology (includes quiz).
'''The Origami Embryo'''<br>
An innovative application to show a model of early organogenesis
'''The Pig Site'''<br>
Fantastic overview of diseases seen in the pig
'''The Poultry Site'''<br>
Fantastic overview of diseases of poultry
'''The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons '''<br>
http://www.rcvs.org.uk/home/ r_url<br>
This is the regulatory body for Veterinary Nurses in the UK.  Click on the link then the 'veterinary nurse' button at the top to find out more.
'''The Veterinary Nursing Council of Australia '''<br>
http://www.vnca.asn.au/ r_url<br>
Some interesting information - look at the code of conduct. What do you think?
'''The WHO classification of pulmonary hypertension: A case-based imaging compendium'''<br>
Discussion and description of causing factors of pulmonary hypertension
'''Tufts Open Courseware (OCW)'''<br>
Tufts open courseware includes course content in: life sciences with multidisciplinary approach, an international perspective, and an underlying ethic of service. The following courses are available by school: School of Dental Medicine, School of Medicine, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, The Fletcher School, Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine and School of Arts and Sciences. This website also contains imgaes/graphics, video, links related to material, learning assignments and teacher's guide to help further the knowledge and information for interested viewer's. For more information please go to http://ocw.tufts.edu
'''Tutorial on gastrulation'''<br>
'''Tyrosine kinase inhibitors in veterinary medicine'''<br>
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19732728 r_url<br>
Current approaches and thoughts behind the use of TKIs in veterinary medicine. Especially in treatment of Mast Cell Tumours
'''Uesful information to use during canine dissection - identifying nerves and vessels'''<br>
'''UK Kennel Club'''<br>
The following is the link to the UK Kennel Club.  This site also highlights current issues in the UK.
'''Understanding Flea and Tick Control'''<br>
Video with information on how to control flea and tick infections
'''Use of NEFA as a Tool to Monitor Energy Balance in Transition Dairy Cows'''<br>
Introduction to NEFAs and their use in metabolic profiling of the dairy cow and monitoring subclinical ketosis
'''Veterinary Anatomy'''<br>
This useful website contains extensive course material to aid veterinary students in their anatomy learning, including image material and self-assessment modules. Subject matter is primarily carnivore (dog & cat) anatomy, developmental anatomy (embryology) and veterinary neuroanatomy.
'''Veterinary Anatomy and Embryology'''<br>
This is a website with collection of resources in veterinary anatomy and embryology, including the dog locomotor apparatus, visceral system and radiological anatomy, avian/pig/fish anatomy, various anatomy videos (horse, dog) and quizzes.
'''Veterinary Clinical Cardiology'''<br>
An educational site with several useful resources in cardiology such as: physiology, diseases of the heart and ECG.
'''Veterinary Histology'''<br>
Bank of resources covering veterinary histology of different body systems
'''Veterinary information Network '''<br>
VIN is a secure, veterinarians-only community. VIN is a place for clinical information, continual education, collegial support, and ancillary services. There is easy and fast access to a complete, up-to-date database of veterinary information -- and the largest team of specialists dedicated to helping colleagues online.
'''Veterinary Instrumentations Information on the Lateral Suture Technique'''<br>
http://www.vetinst.com/pages.php?pageid=186 r_url<br>
Includes information on the kit available, a video on the technique and an explanation of the procedure. Not a technique seen in the QMH but popular in general small practice.
'''Veterinary Poisons Information Service '''<br>
http://www.vpisuk.co.uk/portal/ r_url<br>
Excellent resource covering common poisons of animals
'''Veterinary Radiology'''<br>
Really useful website with information about veterinary diagnostic imaging
'''Veterinary Support Personnel Network (VSPN) '''<br>
http://www.vspn.org/ r_url<br>
The Veterinary Support Personnel Network is for veterinary support staff working with, for, or in the field of veterinary medicine, under the direction of a licensed veterinarian. Membership in VSPN is free. In order to have access to all of VSPN's community features including message boards, chats, and CE, you will need to register.
'''VetLogic Tutorials'''<br>
Anatomy and physiology tutorials on RVC Learn including animations and quizzes
'''VetLogic: Anaesthesia'''<br>
VetLogic tutorial on Anaesthesia. Covers topics such as: Induction, Sedation, Analgesia, Patients with Special Considerations, Equine Anaesthesia, Pre-Medication, Monitoring Anaesthesia, Recovering from Anaesthesia, Euthanasia and Breathing Systems. Interactive and easy-to-follow resource.
'''VetLogic: Animal Accommodation'''<br>
VetLogic tutorial on animal housing. Includes: Kennels, Catteries, Rabbit & Rodent Accommodation, Bird Accommodation, Reptile Accommodation, Horse Housing.
'''VetLogic: Animal Behaviour'''<br>
VetLogic tutorial on Animal Behaviour. Includes: Group Interaction, Feeding Behaviour, Courtship, Caring for the Young, Bonding with the Young, Animal Learning, Displacement Activity, Exploitation of Natural Behaviour, Body Senses, Environment and Orientation. Easy-to-use and interactive.
'''VetLogic: Animal Handling and Restraint'''<br>
VetLogic tutorial on animal handling and restraint. Includes: Aggressive Behaviour, Transportation, Handling and Restraining - different species, different behaviours, equipment. Lots of videos, easy to read.
'''VetLogic: Animal Husbandry'''<br>
VetLogic tutorial on animal husbandry. Includes: Normal & Abnormal Signs of Health; Vaccinations; Sites - blood samples, pulse, injection sites; Quarentine; Infection Control; Infection Transmission; Parasite Control; Dental Hygiene; Grooming; Exercise.
'''VetLogic: Bones'''<br>
VetLogic tutorial on bones. Includes: Comparative Anatomy; Ossification; Classification of Bones; Projections & Depressions; Structure - axial skeleton, appendicular skeleton.
'''VetLogic: Cells and Tissues'''<br>
VetLogic tutorial on cells and tissues. Includes: Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes, Microscopy, Organelles, Cell Division, Transport Across Cell Membranes, Tissues and Skin&Hair (including mammary glands). Interactive and easy-to-read resource.
'''VetLogic: Diagnostic Imaging'''<br>
VetLogic Tutorials on Diagnostic Imaging. Includes: the Production of Xrays, Manual Processing, Digital Xrays, Density & contrast, Patient Influence on Xrays/Film, Equipment Influences on Xrays/Film, Exposure, Film Faults and Health & Safety.
'''VetLogic: Genetics'''<br>
VetLogic tutorial on genetics. Includes: Chromosomes, Cell Division, Genes, Mendel's Laws of Inheritance, Breeding Patterns, and Congenital & Inherited Diseases. Interactive and easy-to-read.
'''VetLogic: Infection Control'''<br>
VetLogic tutorial on infection control. Includes: Disease Transmission; Zoonotic Diseases; Nosocomial Infections; Antibiotic Resistance; Principles of Disinfection - decontamination, antiseptics, disinfectants, sterilisation; Principles of Effective Cleaning; Personal Hygiene; Infection Control in Practice.
'''VetLogic: Joints'''<br>
VetLogic tutorial on joints. Includes: Cartilaginous Joints, Synovial Joints, Joint Movement, Anatomy of Joints.
'''VetLogic: Lab Diagnostics'''<br>
VetLogic tutorial on lab diagnostics. Includes: Health & Safety Legislation; In-House Analysers - microscope, vernier scale, centrifuge, microhaematocrit tubes; Blood Samples - collection, quality, blood smears, staining blood smears, WBCs, RBCs, PCV, biochemistry; Other Samples - bacterial, urine, body fluids, hair & skin, mycology, biopsies, faecal.
'''VetLogic: Methods of Identification'''<br>
VetLogic tutorial on methods of identification. Includes: Dog Breeds, Cat Breeds, Reptile Facts, Identification of Animals, Animal Passports.
'''VetLogic: Microbiology '''<br>
VetLogic tutorial on microbiology. Includes: bacteriology classification, common bacterial diseases, swabs, smears, culture media, virology, common viral diseases, protozoa.
'''VetLogic: Muscles'''<br>
VetLogic tutorial on muscles. Includes: Structure, Muscle Contraction, Muscles of the Body - head, neck, shoulders, trunk, abdominal, forelimb, hindlimb.
'''VetLogic: Nutritional Requirements'''<br>
VetLogic tutorial on nutritional requirements. Includes: Types of Food; Essential Nutrients; Energy Requirements; Water; Non-Energy Producing Nutrients; Neutraceuticals; Different Species; Life Stages; Nutritional Support - including feeding tubes; Nursing Care Plans.
'''VetLogic: Parasitology'''<br>
VetLogic tutorial on parasitology. Includes: Parasitic Worms - ascarids, hookworms, lungworms, oslerus osleri, cestodes, nematodes, anthelmintics; Ectoparasites - insects, arachnids, diagnosis and treatment.
'''VetLogic: Pharmacology'''<br>
VetLogic tutorial on pharmacology. Includes: Routes of Administration; Drug Absorption & Distribution; Drug Metabolism; Common Side Effects; Drug Calculations; Antimicrobials; Parasite Control; Topical Drugs; Corticosteriods; GI Drugs; Cardiovascular Drugs; Urinary Drugs; Reproductive Drugs; Nervous System Drugs; Endocrine Drugs; Chemotherapy.
'''VetLogic: Principles of Animal Welfare'''<br>
VetLogic tutorial on animal welfare. Includes: Definitions; Laws Governing Animal Welfare - animal welfare act 2006, veterinary surgeons act 1966; Five Freedoms; Codes of Practice; Welfare Organisations.
'''VetLogic: Reproduction and Breeding'''<br>
VetLogic tutorial on reproduction and breeding. Includes: Terminology & Genetics; Breeding Cycles; Artificial Insemination; Pregnancy; Parturition; Birth Complications; Neonatal Care 1-14 Days; Neutering.
'''VetLogic: Special Senses'''<br>
VetLogic tutorial on the special senses. Includes: Receptor Cells; Taste; Smell; Eye - the eyeball, extrinsic muscles, the eyelid, formation of an image; Ear - middle ear, inner ear, perception of sound.
'''VetLogic: Supporting the Veterinary Medicines'''<br>
VetLogic tutorial on supporting the veterinary medicines. Includes: Stock Management - stock control, storage, drug schedules, record keeping; Prescribing & Dispensing - legislation, SQP, safe dispensing, adverse reactions, advising clients; Health & Safety.
'''VetLogic: The Blood Vascular System'''<br>
VetLogic tutorial on the blood vascular system. Includes: The Heart - size, shape, the pericardium, chambers, valves and the cardiac cycle; Circulation - arteries, capillaries and veins; The Circulatory System; Blood; and the Lymphatic System.
'''VetLogic: The Digestive System'''<br>
VetLogic tutorials on the digestive system. Includes: Ingestion - oral cavity, salivary glands, pharynx & tonsils, the oesophagus; Digestion - the function of diet, the process of digestion, organs involved with extra information on the stomach and small intestines; Absorption - liver, metabolic reactions; Excretion; Special Differences between different species; and the Digestive Process in Birds. Interactive and easy-to-read.
'''VetLogic: The Endocrine System'''<br>
VetLogic tutorial on the endocrine system. Includes: the Pituitary Gland, Thyroid Gland, Parathyroid Gland, The Pancreas, Adrenal Glands, Gonads and Minor Endocrine Tissues. Interactive and easy-to-read.
'''VetLogic: The Nervous System'''<br>
VetLogic tutorial on the nervous system. Includes: Neurons; Nervous tissue - nerve impulses, supporting cells, synapses, classification; The Central Nervous System - brain structure, forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain, associated structures, spinal cord; Peripheral Nervous System - cranial nerves, spinal nerves, reflex arc, autonomic nervous system, sympathetic nervous system, parasympathetic nervous system.
'''VetLogic: The Reproductive System'''<br>
VetLogic tutorials on the reproductive system. Includes: Female Genital Tract, Male Genital Tract, Spermatogenesis, Oestrus Cycle - behavioural signs, hormone control.
'''VetLogic: The Respiratory System'''<br>
VetLogic tutorials on the respiratory system. Includes: Functions of the Respiratory System; Associated Structures of the Respiratory Tract; Pulmonary Circulation; Thoracic Cavity - boundaries, pleura, disease conditions; Respiration - muscles, breathing, respiratory rate, lung capacity, gas exchange, control of respiration; Respiratory Structure & Function in Exotics - birds, fish, insects, reptiles.
'''VetLogic: The Urinary System'''<br>
VetLogic tutorial on the urinary system. Includes: Functions of the Urinary System; Body Fluid - composition, movement; The Kidney - structure and function, Ureter - structure and function; Excretion; Urolithiasis; Micturition - normal and abnormal urine.
Vetstream offers a range of services to support all aspects of veterinary practice including: The world’s largest online source of veterinary content for Dogs, Cats, Rabbits and Horses,Veterinary practice websites, Community and news forums and Online veterinary CPD
'''Video of anal sacculectomy'''<br>
Video discussing anal sacculectomy. More videos from link showing procedure.
'''Video of one of the approaches for laparoscopic OVH. '''<br>
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BG788RK6elU&feature=youtu.be r_url<br>
Video showing a suture entrapment, two port approach for laparoscopic OVH.
'''Video on equine lower limb anatomy'''<br>
Good overview of structures in the equine lower limb, focusing on bones and joints
'''Virtual Analytical Laboratory'''<br>
This website covers some of the basic laboratory skills including laboratory safety, microscopy, haemocytometry, H&E stain, microbiology, pipettes, spectrophotometry, serial dilutions, standard curves and filtration experiments.
'''Virtual Cell Animation Collection'''<br>
'''Warble Fly information'''<br>
Information from the Department for Environmental, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) on the Warble Fly
'''Welfare on the farm'''<br>
Some information about codes of recommendations for the welfare of livestock
'''What makes free-range broiler chickens range? In situ measurement of habitat preference'''<br>
Interesting article on ranging behaviour in chickens and whether just because the bird is allowed access to the outdoors doesn’t mean it uses it!
'''WHO Global Health Atlas'''<br>
A good graphical resource for looking at the distribution of human disease.
'''WikiQuizzes - Anatomy & Physiology'''<br>
WikiQuizzes on topics in anatomy and physiology including: alimentary, cardiovascular, endocrine, musculoskeletal, nervous, reproductive, respiratory and urinary. In an MCQ format with immediate feedback.
'''WikiQuizzes - Anatomy & Physiology: Alimentary System'''<br>
WikiQuizzes on the alimentary system including: abdominal anatomy, digestive system and oropharyngeal anatomy. In an MCQ format with immediate feedback.
'''WikiQuizzes - Anatomy & Physiology: Cardiovascular System'''<br>
WikiQuizzes on the cardiovascular system includes: vasculature quiz and general topic quiz. In an MCQ format with immediate feedback.
'''WikiQuizzes - Anatomy & Physiology: Endocrine System'''<br>
WikiQuizzes on the endocrine system. In an MCQ format with immediate feedback.
'''WikiQuizzes - Anatomy & Physiology: Musculoskeletal System'''<br>
WikiQuizzes on the musculoskeletal system. In an MCQ format with immediate feedback.
'''WikiQuizzes - Anatomy & Physiology: Nervous System'''<br>
WikiQuizzes on the nervous system. In an MCQ format with immediate feedback.
'''WikiQuizzes - Anatomy & Physiology: Reproductive System'''<br>
WikiQuizzes on the reproductive system including: female reproductive anatomy, male reproductive anatomy, non-pregnant female reproductive physiology, pregnant female reproductive physiology and general system quiz. In an MCQ format with immediate feedback.
'''WikiQuizzes - Anatomy & Physiology: Respiratory System'''<br>
WikiQuizzes on the respiratory system. In an MCQ format with immediate feedback.
'''WikiQuizzes - Anatomy & Physiology: Urinary System'''<br>
WikiQuizzes on the urinary system. In an MCQ format with immediate feedback
'''WikiQuizzes - Breeds'''<br>
WikiQuizzes on dog and cattle breeds. In an MCQ format with immediate feedback.
'''WikiQuizzes - Clinical'''<br>
WikiQuizzes on topics related to clinical studies including: case-based quizzes, sample questions from the veterinary pathology unit, and vetprep questions e.g. small animal abdominal surgery and diagnostics quiz. In an MCQ format with immediate feedback.
'''WikiQuizzes - Drugs'''<br>
WikiQuizzes on veterinary drugs including: antibiotics & antifungals, gastrointestinal drugs, inhalational anaesthesia, injectable anaesthesia and analgesia. In an MCQ format with immediate feedback.
'''WikiQuizzes - Infectious Diseases'''<br>
WikiQuizzes on infectious diseases including: bacterial diseases & pathogenesis, enterobacteriaceae, equine virology, fleas, general bacteriology, general virology and infectious female reproductive pathology. In an MCQ format with immediate feedback.
'''WikiQuizzes - Pathology'''<br>
WikiQuizzes on pathology including: musculoskeletal system pathology, reproductive system pathology, bacterial diseases & pathogenesis and infectious female reproductive pathology. In an MCQ format with immediate feedback.
WikiVet is a worldwide collaborative project to develop a comprehensive on-line peer reviewed veterinary knowledge database. The aim is to cover the entire undergraduate curriculum. To access all of the content within WikiVet or edit anything requires registration, which is FREE, to ensure that is used by people related to the veterinary profession only.
'''WikiVet - Additional Veterinary Nursing Resources'''<br>
This portal links to topics and information connected to the Veterinary Nursing syllabus including: anatomy & physiology, breeding cycles, parturition, models of nursing care, first aid, sterilisation, care plans, radiography, theatre practice, anaesthesia and pain management.
'''WikiVet - Anaesthesia'''<br>
WikiVet pages on anaesthesia. Includes: fluid therapy, anaesthetic equipment, inducing anaesthesia, monitoring anaestheisa, recovery, complications, sedation, anaesthetic drugs, and special considerations.
'''WikiVet - Care Plans'''<br>
WikiVet page on care plans. Includes the basic principles and how to write a care plan.
'''WikiVet - Dispensing Veterinary Medicines'''<br>
WikiVet pages on dispensing medications. Includes: drug classifications, RCVS guidance, writing prescriptions, controlled drugs and the drugs cascade.
'''WikiVet - Fluid Therapy'''<br>
WikiVet pages on fluid therapy. Include: indications, types of fluids, calculations, monitoring fluid therapy, shock, fluid therapy during anaesthesia and special considerations with specific conditions (cardiac disease, hepatic disease and CNS disease).
'''WikiVet - Interpreting Sample Results'''<br>
WikiVet pages on interpreting sample results. Includes: abnormalities (haematology and biochemistry), anaemia, urine analysis, and reference ranges (haematology and biochemistry).
'''WikiVet - Models of Nursing Care'''<br>
WikiVet page which introduces models of nursing care including Orem and Roper, Logan & Tierney's models.
'''WikiVet - Pain and Pain Management'''<br>
WikiVet pages on pain and its' management. Includes: introduction to nociception, physiology of pain transmission, physiological effects of pain on the body, assessment of pain and analgesics.
'''WikiVet - Pathological Sample Collection'''<br>
WikiVet pages on collecting pathological samples. Includes: bacterial swab samples, blood samples, skin scraping and sending samples to labs.
'''WikiVet - Sterilisation'''<br>
WikiVet page which covers types of sterilisation for equipment including: heat, irradiation, filtration and chemical.
'''WikiVet - Surgical Theatre Practice'''<br>
WikiVet pages on surgical theatre practice. Includes suture materials and patterns.
'''WikiVet Anatomy and Physiology Dragster'''<br>
Anatomy and physiology drag and drop labelling quizzes.
'''WikiVet Flashcards from Manson Publishing Self-Assessment Books'''<br>
These are a series of WikiVet flashcards created from Manson Publishing Self-Assessment Colour Review books. Each set is a sample from each of the books dedicated to a specific veterinary topic. These were adapted as part of the Opening Veterinary Access to Literature project funded by JISC.
'''WikiVet Histology Dragster'''<br>
Drag and drop labelling quizzes for histology.
'''WikiVet Media'''<br>
Large collection of videos including RVC anatomy potcasts and clinical skills
'''WikiVet Quizzes'''<br>
This section contains multiple choice quizzes on a wide range of veterinary topics at all levels of the veterinary course, to allow you to test your knowledge. Every question has been fully reviewed by a relevant expert, (see the review box on each quiz) and provides feedback to correct and incorrect answers as well as links to articles with further information on that topic.
'''WikiVetMedia - Clinical Skills'''<br>
Videos from WikiVet to demonstrate some clinical skills related to your course. Includes: mounting and demounting blades, closed gloving, draping, gowning breathing systems, using a microscope, PCV samples, urine sediments and making a blood smear.
'''Wiley publishing'''<br>
Wiley is the international scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly publishing business of John Wiley & Sons, with strengths in every major academic and professional field and partnerships with many of the world's leading societies.
'''World Animal Health Information Database (WAHID) Interface'''<br>
OIE database of current and historical disease outbreaks. Includes emerging diseases. A good way to get an up-to-date indication of worldwide disease status. As with all databases of this kind it is dependent on the reporting.
'''Wound Dressings'''<br>
Further information on different wound dressings
'''Zoonotic Diseases Tutorial'''<br>
This tutorial has been developed as an educational resource on zoonotic diseases for veterinary, medical and nursing students and practitioners, and anyone interested in these infectious diseases. For each disease, you will find text and, in most cases, associated images providing: * a brief review of the microbiology of the etiologic agent * descriptions of the clinical presentations in both animals and humans * information related to diagnosis, treatment and control in animals * selected references

Latest revision as of 09:12, 4 September 2014