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question="Injecting lizards with nephrotoxic drugs could potentially result in increased renal toxicity because...?"
question="What species of Passerine bird is this?"
choice1="lizards have a three chambered heart."
choice1="Swallow (Hirundo rustica)"
choice3="reptiles are extremely sensitive to nephrotoxic drugs."
choice3="Blue Tit (Cyanistes caeruleus)"
choice2="the venous return from the tail and hindlimbs isn't filtered through the kidneys. "
choice2="House Martin (Delichon urbica)"
choice4="the venous return from the tail and hindlimbs isn't filtered through the liver."
choice4="Swift (Apus apus)"
choice5="of the renal portal system"
choice5="Blackbird (Turdus merula)"
feedback1="'''Incorrect!''' Lizards do indeed have a three chambered heart; however this does not explain the increased renal toxicity. The reason is that reptiles have a renal portal system where venous return from the tail and hindlimbs may be filtered through the kidneys to bathe the renal tubules. Therefore the injection of drugs that are cleared via tubular excretion into the caudal half of the body could result in lower than anticipated serum concentration because of their excretion in the urine before entering the systemic circulation. [[Lizard Cardiovascular System|WikiVet Article: Lizard Cardiovascular System]]"
feedback5="'''Incorrect!''' This species is called a Swallow, with its distinctive glossy dark blue backs, red throats and long tail streamers. Blackbirds are bigger birds with long legs and although the males have a distinctive black plumage with bright orange beaks and eye rings, the female blackbird is brown, often with spots and streaks on their breasts. [[Lizard Cardiovascular System|WikiVet Article: Lizard Cardiovascular System]]"
feedback3="'''Incorrect!''' The reason is that reptiles have a renal portal system where venous return from the tail and hindlimbs may be filtered through the kidneys to bathe the renal tubules. Therefore the injection of drugs that are cleared via tubular excretion into the caudal half of the body could result in lower than anticipated serum concentration because of their excretion in the urine before entering the systemic circulation. [[Lizard Cardiovascular System|WikiVet Article: Lizard Cardiovascular System]]"
feedback3="'''Incorrect!''' This species is called a Swallow, with its distinctive glossy dark blue backs, red throats and long tail streamers. Blue Tits, with longer legs and shorter beaks, are actually a colourful mix of blue, yellow, green and white, and unlike Swallows, are permanent residents in the UK. [[Lizard Cardiovascular System|WikiVet Article: Lizard Cardiovascular System]]"
feedback2="'''Incorrect!''' Reptiles have a renal portal system where venous return from the tail and hindlimbs may be filtered through the kidneys to bathe the renal tubules. [[Lizard Cardiovascular System|WikiVet Article: Lizard Cardiovascular System]]"
feedback2="'''Incorrect!''' Reptiles have a renal portal system where venous return from the tail and hindlimbs may be filtered through the kidneys to bathe the renal tubules. [[Lizard Cardiovascular System|WikiVet Article: Lizard Cardiovascular System]]"
feedback4="'''Incorrect!''' Reptiles have a renal portal system where venous return from the tail and hindlimbs may be filtered through the liver. [[Lizard Cardiovascular System|WikiVet Article: Lizard Cardiovascular System]]"
feedback4="'''Incorrect!''' This species is called a Swallow, with its distinctive glossy dark blue backs, red throats and long tail streamers. Swifts are larger birds with a dark underside, long, scythe-like wings and a short, forked tail. Like the House Martins and Swallows, it is also a Summer migrant and spends its winters in Africa. [[Lizard Cardiovascular System|WikiVet Article: Lizard Cardiovascular System]]"
feedback5="'''Correct!''' Reptiles have a renal portal system where venous return from the tail and hindlimbs may be filtered through the kidneys to bathe the renal tubules. Venous return may also be filtered through the liver. Therefore the injection of drugs that are cleared via tubular excretion into the caudal half of the body could result in lower than anticipated serum concentration because of their excretion in the urine before entering the systemic circulation.[[Lizard Cardiovascular System|WikiVet Article: Lizard Cardiovascular System]]"
feedback1="'''Correct!''' Swallows have distinctive glossy dark blue backs, red throats and long tail streamers. They are extremely agile in flight and spend most of their time on the wing. They are found in areas where there is a ready and accessible supply of small insects and are particularly fond of open pasture with access to water and quiet farm buildings.[[Lizard Cardiovascular System|WikiVet Article: Lizard Cardiovascular System]]"
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