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[[Image:Coccidia.jpg|thumb|right|150px|Coccidia - Joel Mills]]
''The following refers specifically to the life cycle of Coccidia spp.''
*The '''oocyst''' is the resistant stage in the environment
*The infective '''sporozoite''' is released from the oocyst
*Inside the host, the sporozoites invade the intestinal epithelial tissue
**Sporozoites feed and grow
*As the sporozoite grows the nucleus divides forming a '''schizont'''
*The schizont contains numerous elongated '''merozoites'''
*The formation of merozoites is the first asexual reproductive stage called '''schizogony'''
*The schizont ruptures releasing the merozoites which also invade the epithelial cells
*Another generation of schizonts form which is the beginning of the sexual phase of reproduction called '''gametogony'''
*The merozoites form male '''microgamonts''' or female '''macrogamonts'''
**Collectively known as gamonts or gametocytes
*The microgamonts released from the microgametocyte penetrate and fertilise the macrogamont (which is contained within the macrogametocyte)
*Gametogony forms the '''zygote'''
**Surrounded by a cyst wall
**Forms the '''oocyst'''
*The oocyst is passed in the faeces and is unsporulated
*The oocyst becomes sporulated in the second asexual reproductive phase called '''sporogony'''
*Once the oocyst is sporulated it is infective
[[Eimeria spp.|''Eimeria'' spp.]]
[[Isospora spp.|''Isospora'' spp.]]
==Coccidia of Poultry==
[[Image:Buff orpington.jpg|thumb|right|150px|Buff orpington - nabrown RVC]]
[[Image:Eimeria Sporulated.jpg|thumb|right|150px|Sporulated ''Eimeria'' - Joaquim Castellà Veterinary Parasitology Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona]]
*Direct life cycle
*1 week prepatent period
*After oocysts are ingested, sporozoites are released which penetrate the intestinal epithelium
*2 asexual phases of multiplication called schizogony occur followed by a phase of sexual multiplication called gametogony
*Zygote develops into an oocyst which is then shed in the faeces
**Oocyst measures 20-30μm
*For each oocyst ingested, thousands are shed
*Life cycle is '''self-limiting'''
**Organisms from a single infection go through the sequence of developmental stages synchronously
**Organisms leave the body simultaneously as oocysts
*Oocysts are only infective once they have sporulated
**Sporulation requires warmth, moisture and oxygen
**Takes 2-3 days in broiler houses
*Oocysts contain 4 sporocysts each with 2 sporozoites
*7 important ''Eimeria'' species
*4 malabsorptive species
**''Eimeria acervulina'' which is moderately pathogenic
**''Eimeria maxima'' which is moderately pathogenic
**''Eimeria mitis'' which has low pathogenicity
**''Eimeria praecox'' which has low pathogenicity
*3 haemorrhagic species
**''Eimeria tenella''
**''Eimeria necatrix''
**''Eimeria brunetti''
**All highly pathogenic
**Form large sub-epithelial second generation schizonts at the base of intestinal crypts
**Deep eruptions form when cells rupture to release merozoites
**Destruction of crypt stem cells and marked haemorrhage
**Blood stained faeces
**High morbidity and high mortality
*Post-mortem diagnosis of lesion severity
**Region of intestine affected
**Appearance of lesion
**Presence or absence of haemorrhage
**Size of schizonts and oocysts found in mucosal scrapings
*''Eimeria acervulina''
**Proximal gut
**Thickening of walls
**'White ladder lesions' produced by dense foci of gamonts and oocysts
**Watery exudate
*''Eimeria maxima''
**Thickening of walls
**Pink exudate
*''Eimeria tenella''
**Swollen [[Caecum - Anatomy & Physiology|caeca]]
**Thickening of wall
**Dark colouring containing a core of necrotic tissue and blood
*Lesion scoring is the best method of diagnosing the severity of the lesions and therefore the causative ''Eimeria'' species
*''Eimeria necatrix''
**Ballooning of wall
**White spots and petechiae forming 'salt and pepper' lesions
**Haemorrhage into lumen
*Different ''Eimeria'' species produce different levels of protective immunity
**''E.maxima'' -> ''E.brunetti'' and ''E.acervulina'' -> ''E.tenella'' and ''E.necatrix''
*There is no cross immunity between species
*There is very little passive immunity
*Evokes a cell-mediated response
*All ages of poultry are susceptible
*Oocysts are ubiquitous and robust
**Able to survive several months to years
*It is impossible to keep buildings free from infection
**Chicks become infected by pecking the ground shortly after being placed in the poultry house
*Biotic potential is enormous
**Generation time is short
**Massive infections can build up rapidly
*Immunity develops relatively slowly
**With high stocking densities the situation is explosive
**Intensive poultry production is largely dependent on the use of anticoccidial drugs
**For more information see [[Anti-Protozoal Drugs|here]]
*[[Vaccines - WikiBlood|Vaccines]]
***Multivalent attenuated [[Vaccines - WikiBlood#What antigen(s) do we use in the vaccine?|live vaccine]] for replacement layers and broilers
***Contains 7 live strains of ''Eimeria''
***Lack the most pathogenic life cycle stage making the prepatent period shorter
***Known as '''precocious''' strains
***Chicks [[Vaccines - WikiBlood|vaccinated]] on a single occasion when 1-9 days old through oocyst suspension in the feed or water
***[[Vaccines - WikiBlood|Vaccinated]] birds have sub-optimal growth rates so is not used for broilers
**Paracox 5
***Contains 5 strains of the most pathogenic ''Eimeria''
***Used for broilers
***Sprayed onto the first feed offered to new batches of chicks
*Integrated control
**Careful management is needed so in-feed prophylaxis and [[Vaccines - WikiBlood|vaccination]] do not fail
**Remove litter and thoroughly clean houses in between crops
***Optimum turn-around time is 10 days
**Use the lowest stocking density which is compatible with economic production
**Water bowls, roofs and walls should be well maintained to prevent litter becoming damp
**Stress factors should be avoided and adequate nutrition provided
==Other Avian Coccidia==
===Coccidia of Turkeys===
*5 ''Eimeria'' species
**2 important pathogenically
*''Eimeria'' in [[Caecum - Anatomy & Physiology|caeca]] causes petechial haemorrhages and caseous [[Caecum - Anatomy & Physiology|caecal]] cores
*''Eimeria'' in the anterior and mid-intestine causes necrotic enteritis and petechial haemorrhages
*Causes watery [[Intestine Diarrhoea - Pathology|diarrhoea]] in young poults and some mortality
===Coccidia of Geese===
*3 ''Eimeria'' species
*2 intestinal species causing macroscopic lesions in [[Urinary System - Anatomy & Physiology#The Kidney|kidney tubules]]
**Oocysts carried in urine and pass out with faeces
*Renal species cause severe disease in goslings
**Depression, emaciation, [[Intestine Diarrhoea - Pathology|diarrhoea]] and sometimes death
===Coccidia of Ducks===
[[Image:Crested duck.jpg|thumb|right|150px|Crested duck - nabrown RVC]]
*Several ''Eimeria'' species
*Another coccidia species which produces 8 sporozoites but these are not enclosed in a sporocyst
*Causes severe enteritis and mortality in ducklings
**Haemorrhages and pale  focal lesions in [[Small Intestine - Anatomy & Physiology|small intestine]]
===Coccidia of Game Birds===
*3 main species
*[[Caecum - Anatomy & Physiology|Caecal]] species most pathogenic causing white [[Caecum - Anatomy & Physiology|caecal]] cores
==Coccidia of Cattle==
[[Image:Coccidia ruminant.jpg|thumb|right|150px|''Eimeria'' sp. of ruminants - Joaquim Castellà Veterinary Parasitology Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona]]
[[Image:Coccidia oocyst ruminant.jpg|thumb|right|150px|Coccidia oocyst from ruminant faeces - Joaquim Castellà Veterinary Parasitology Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona]]
*Many species affect cattle
*Cattle under a year old are usually infected sporadically
*2-3 week prepatent period
*''Eimeria bovis''
**Endogenous stages in central lacteal of villi and epithelial cells of [[Caecum - Anatomy & Physiology|caecum]] and [[Colon - Anatomy & Physiology|colon]]
**Causes [[Intestine Diarrhoea - Pathology|diarrhoea]] and enteritis
**Oocysts are 28x20μm
**Moderately pathogenic
*''Eimeria zuernii''
**Endogenous stages in connective tissue of lamina propria of the lower [[Small Intestine - Anatomy & Physiology|small intestine]] and in the epithelial cells of the [[Caecum - Anatomy & Physiology|caecum]] and [[Colon - Anatomy & Physiology|colon]]
**More pathogenic than ''Eimeria bovis''
**Causes blood stained dysentery, tenesmus and sloughed mucosa
**Oocysts are spherical and measure 16μm
*Mainly occurs in calves in poor conditions and bought-in calves
**Also occurs in suckler calves turned out in spring
*''Eimeria alabamensis'' associated with [[Intestine Diarrhoea - Pathology|diarrhoea]] in calves after spring turnout
*[[Materno-fetal immunity - WikiBlood#Passive transfer via colostrum|Passive immunity]] is sufficient during the neonatal period
*Can be concurrent with cryptosporidium, viral and bacterial agents
*History, clinical signs, [[Intestine Diarrhoea - Pathology|diarrhoea]] (often with blood) and a decrease in weight gain
**Diffuse inflammation and thickening of [[Caecum - Anatomy & Physiology|caecal]] mucosa (and sometimes [[Ileum - Anatomy & Physiology|ileal]] and [[Colon - Anatomy & Physiology|colonic]] mucosa)
**Masses of gamonts and oocysts in scrapings
*High faecal oocyst count
**However, healthy animals can pass millions of oocysts from mixed species infections which have no pathogenic significance
**Animals may die before oocysts are shed
*Improve husbandry
**Improve sanitation
**Increase bedding
**Raise food and water troughs to avoid faecal contamination
*Preventative in-feed medication
**E.g. Decoquinate
*Injectable antiprotozoals may limit oocyst production but animals should still be moved to a clean environment
**E.g. Sulphamethoxypyridazine
==Coccidia of Sheep==
[[Image:Isospora felis sporulated.jpg|thumb|right|150px|''Isospora felis'' sporulated - Courtesy of the Laboratory of Parasitology, University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine]]
[[Image:Isospora felis unsporulated.jpg|thumb|right|150px|''Isospora felis'' unsporulated - Courtesy of the Laboratory of Parasitology, University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine]]
*11 different Coccidia species although only two are of clinical significance
**Giant schizonts visible as white spots
*''Eimeria ovinoidalis''
**Highly pathogenic
**[[Intestine Diarrhoea - Pathology|Diarrhoea]]
**Parasitises the [[Caecum - Anatomy & Physiology|caecum]] and [[Colon - Anatomy & Physiology|colon]]
*''Eimeria crandalis''
**Varying pathogenicity
**Scours, grey, foul-smelling faeces
**Parasitises the [[Small Intestine - Anatomy & Physiology|small intestine]], [[Caecum - Anatomy & Physiology|caecum]] and [[Colon - Anatomy & Physiology|colon]]
*2 week prepatent period
*Disease frequently seen in lambs under 6 months old
**More often in twins and triplets when single lambs
*Oocyts from ewes (immune carriers) accumulate in poorly managed litter or around feed and water troughs
*Lambs born early in the year amplify the parasite problem increasing the parasite risk to lambs born later in the year
*Affected lambs may die before oocysts are found in the faeces
**Post-mortem diagnosis difficult
*Different species of ''Eimeria'' occurs in sheep and goats
*Infection may be coincident with ''Neospora'' or ''Cryptosporidium'' infections
**Mixed infections complicate the diagnosis as oocyst differentiation is difficult
*Other non-pathogenic species can cause papillomatous mucosal growths
*Improve husbandry
**Avoid overcrowding
**Decrease stress
*Improve hygiene by dagging ewes
*Avoid mixing lambs of different ages
*Preventative measures include creep feeding lambs with decoquinate or oral dosing with diclazuril when lambs are 4-6 weeks
**A second dose can be given after 3 weeks
==Coccidia of Goats==
[[Image:Goats.jpg|thumb|right|150px|Goats - nabrown RVC]]
[[Image:Eimeria leukarti horse.jpg|thumb|right|150px|''Eimeria leukarti'' - Joaquim Castellà Veterinary Parasitology Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona]]
[[Image:Isospora suis oocyst.jpg|thumb|right|150px|''Isospora suis'' oocyst from pig faeces - Joaquim Castellà Veterinary Parasitology Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona]]
[[Image:Isospora canis.jpg|thumb|right|150px|''Isospora canis'' - Joaquim Castellà Veterinary Parasitology Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona]]
[[Image:Coccidia.jpg|thumb|right|150px|Coccidia in Cat Faeces - Joel Mills]]
[[Image:Isospora felis.jpg|thumb|right|150px|''Isospora felis'' - Joaquim Castellà Veterinary Parasitology Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona]]
*Many ''Eimeria'' species
*2 ''Eimeria'' are pathogenic
**Cause [[Intestine Diarrhoea - Pathology|diarrhoea]] and a decreased growth rate
*Different species of ''Eimeria'' occurs in sheep and goats
==Coccidia of Horses==
*Only one atypical ''Eimeria''
*Forms large subepithelial gametocytes in villi
*Large, dark coloured oocysts
**Approximately 12μm
*Occasionally causes [[Intestine Diarrhoea - Pathology|diarrhoea]]
*''Besnoitia bennetti'' in [[Respiratory Parasitic Infections - Pathology#Besnoitia bennetti|larynx]] of horses
==Coccidia of Pigs==
*Many species of ''Eimeria'' and ''Isospora''
*Only ''Isospora suis'' is of clinical pathogenic importance
*Causes sporadic, serious and sometimes fatal disease in unweaned piglets
**Causes profuse [[Intestine Diarrhoea - Pathology|diarrhoea]]
*Very short 1 week prepatent period
*[[Intestine Diarrhoea - Pathology|Diarrhoea]] starts before oocysts are shed in faeces
**Ante-mortem diagnosis is difficult
*Death usually occurs after parasites have left the host
**Post-mortem diagnosis difficult
**''Isospora'' infections are '''self-limiting'''
==Coccidia of Dogs==
*2 common and 2 less common ''Isospora'' species
*Occasionally can cause disease
*Little pathogenicity
*Even if faecal oocyst count is high, other causes of [[Intestine Diarrhoea - Pathology|diarrhoea]] should be looked for
*''Hepatozoon americanum'' and subclinical ''H. canis'' in [[Bones Hyperplastic and Neoplastic - Pathology#Hepatozoon|periosteal bone formation]]
**Both are Tick borne diseases
***''H. canis'' – ''Rhipicephalus sanguineus''
***Ticks become infected by ingesting a blood meal containing macrophages and [[Neutrophils - WikiBlood|neutrophils]] infected with the parasite gamonts -> sexual replication in the gut of the tick -> oocysts containing infective sporozoites -> dogs ingest the tick  schizogony occurs in numerous tissues
==Coccidia of Cats==
*2 common ''Isospora'' species with little clinical significance
*Oocysts in faeces have to be distinguised from those of ''Toxoplasma'' (smaller) and ''Sarcocytis'' (sporulated or naked sporocyts in faeces)
==Coccidia of Rabbits==
*3 pathogenic ''Eimeria'' species
**2 in the [[Caecum - Anatomy & Physiology|caecum]]
**1 in the bile duct
*''Eimeria steidae''
**Parasitises the bile duct epithelium
**Travels via the bile duct to the [[Liver - Anatomy & Physiology|liver]] where it forms large white nodules
**Oocysts travel in the bile and are passed out in the faeces
**Causes ascites, [[Intestine Diarrhoea - Pathology|diarrhoea]], weight loss and polyuria
*Serious disease of both pet and farmed rabbits
*Treatment is by administration of drugs in drinking water
**E.g. Toltrazuril
*Hygiene is the best method of prevention to prevent sporocysts from sporulating
*Medicated feed can be used in commercial units
**E.g. Rabenidine
==[[Protozoa Flashcards - Wikibugs#Coccidia|Coccidia Flashcards]]==

Latest revision as of 16:48, 20 May 2010

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