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500 bytes added ,  16:12, 14 January 2008
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===Workshop held at Nottingham Veterinary School, 15th January 2008 ===
===Workshop held at Nottingham Veterinary School, 15th January 2008 ===
Draft programme             
10:00 10:30 Tea / coffee         
10:30 11:00 Welcome, introductions & concepts behind wiki project KW, TS and all         
11:00 13:00 Wiki authoring - setting up your own page, formating, links etc BC         
13:00 14:00 Lunch (+ tour of vet school for anyone interested) RH         
14:00 15:30 Wiki authoring + Discussions (in parallel) SR/NS         
15:30 16:00 Round-up RH         
16:00  Close and social for those available / interested


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