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Conversely, inappropriate latrine sites should be made less appealing. There are a number of ways to do this, including changing the floor substrate to make it less pleasant to stand on, placing small bowls of food close to the location so that it becomes designated as a feeding station instead of a latrine. The best guide for how to modify a particular latrine site is the cat’s reason for choosing it in the first place. For example, a dark and secluded corner can be made a lot less discrete by moving furniture, putting in a loud radio close by or
Conversely, inappropriate latrine sites should be made less appealing. There are a number of ways to do this, including changing the floor substrate to make it less pleasant to stand on, placing small bowls of food close to the location so that it becomes designated as a feeding station instead of a latrine. The best guide for how to modify a particular latrine site is the cat’s reason for choosing it in the first place. For example, a dark and secluded corner can be made a lot less discrete by moving furniture, putting in a loud radio close by or
illuminating the corner with a bright spot lamp. Battery powered infra-red activated lamps can be bought very cheaply from hardware stores and can be installed in small corner, where it will switch on every time the cat approaches. This can act as an effective deterrent.
illuminating the corner with a bright spot lamp. Battery powered infra-red activated lamps can be bought very cheaply from hardware stores and can be installed in small corner, where it will switch on every time the cat approaches. This can act as an effective deterrent.
Altering inappropriate latrine sites to make them less appealing to the cat (this must only be done when a potential alternative has been made available)
* Cover the location with thick polythene: urine will then drain towards the cat’s feet when it is standing on the sheet.
* Cover the location with a large sheet of silver foil: some cats do not like to stand on this.
* Apply strips of double-sided sticky tape to either of the above to make them even more repellent.
* Place small bowls of food on top of the latrine sites, so that they become feeding stations. Cats are usually reluctant to urinate near sources of food.
* Illuminate dark corners with a bright spot lamp so that any privacy is taken away.
* The same effect can be achieved using a small, battery powered infrared activated lamp, which will turn on each time the cat approaches [these are very inexpensive].
Cats that are inhibited, fearful and therefore unable to utilise improved resources because of their apprehension, may benefit from psychoactive drug therapy. Selegiline is not licensed for use in the cat, but it can be used for the treatment of specific fears, a condition for which it is licensed in the dog (in the UK). This drug increases confidence and exploratory behaviour, but takes 4-6 weeks to show efficacy. It should be continued until the cat is fully utilising resources and has not eliminated in the house for 8 weeks.
Cats that are inhibited, fearful and therefore unable to utilise improved resources because of their apprehension, may benefit from psychoactive drug therapy. Selegiline is not licensed for use in the cat, but it can be used for the treatment of specific fears, a condition for which it is licensed in the dog (in the UK). This drug increases confidence and exploratory behaviour, but takes 4-6 weeks to show efficacy. It should be continued until the cat is fully utilising resources and has not eliminated in the house for 8 weeks.
Author, Donkey, Bureaucrats, Administrators


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