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Riphah College of Veterinary Sciences (RCVetS) is a premier veterinary college in private sector in Pakistan established in 2012. It offers five years Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree, Para veterinary diploma and other short courses.
Riphah College of Veterinary Sciences (RCVetS) is a premier veterinary college in private sector in Pakistan established in 2012. It offers five years Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree, Para veterinary diploma and other short courses.
==Research== <!----Write below this line--->  
==Vision== <!----Write below this line--->
To become an excellent veterinary educational institution.
To be a hub for scientist, researchers, industry and farmers for the development of livestock and poultry sector.
==Clinical== <!----Write below this line--->  
==Clinical== <!----Write below this line--->  


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