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*** This lobulation increases with increased number of previous ovulations or pregnancies and is due mainly to the presence of old corpora albicantia.
*** This lobulation increases with increased number of previous ovulations or pregnancies and is due mainly to the presence of old corpora albicantia.
=== Ovarian Structures ===
* The ovary consists of two major parts
** Cortex
** Medulla
* Whole organ is enclosed by a tunica albuginea except in the area of the hilus.
* Follicular activity takes place in the cortex and ovulation can occur anywhere on this surface.
* However, as camelids are induced ovulators (only ovulate in response to mating) there is no cyclical appearance of a CL in non-mated females.
* Corpora lutea are only present in the ovaries of recently bred or pregnant females.
==== Follicles ====
* Follicular activity is dominated by 4 types of follicles
** Small growing follicles
** Mature follicles
** Regressing follicles
** Over-large, anovulatory follicles
* As the follicular waves overlap with each other, several generations of follicles may be present at the same time.
* The small growing follicles are visible on the surface of the ovary as small slightly raised vesicles measuring between 2 - 4 mm, whereas the mature pre-ovulatory follicle measures between 13 - 20 mm [19,20] and is spherical, turgid, with a thin clear translucent wall and protrudes markedly from the ovarian surface.
* The appearance of regressing follicles depends on the stage of regression.
** At the start of regression the follicular wall becomes thick and opaque and the diameter decreases slowly until the follicle recedes into the ovary itself.
** Large anovulatory follicles are present in about 50% of non-mated females and their size and appearance can be highly variable.
*** They vary in size from 25 - 60 mm and may have a thin or thick, opaque wall and contain either serous or haemorrhagic fluid with various amounts of fibrin.
==== Corpus Luteum ====
* Forms after ovulation, which occurs 24 - 48 hours after mating.
* The ovulating follicle collapses at ovulation and then the follicular cavity fills with blood to form a corpus haemorrhagicum.
* Luteinization of the corpus haemorrhagicum occurs within 4 - 5 days and gives rise to a corpus luteum.
* Regression of the CL occurs between 10 - 12 days after a sterile mating or just before parturition in the pregnant female.
* The corpus albicans, originating from the regression of the CL of pregnancy is hard, white or grey in colour and has no blood vessels on its surface. Corpora albicantia of different sizes (5 - 12 mm in diameter) can remain on the surface of the ovary of the female for a long time.
== Oviduct ==
== Oviduct ==


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