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I am a (almost) third year vet student from Edinburgh and have just finished an intercalated year in Veterinary Pathology at the RVC.
I am a (almost) third year vet student from Edinburgh and have just finished an intercalated year in Veterinary Pathology at the RVC.
== What I hope to get out of this project ==
== What I hope to get out of this project ==

Revision as of 09:23, 22 August 2007

About me

Lizzie Slack - eslack@rvc.ac.uk

I am a (almost) third year vet student from Edinburgh and have just finished an intercalated year in Veterinary Pathology at the RVC.


What I hope to get out of this project

I think this project will provide a great opportunity to meet some new people and exchange views in order to gain insight into their various areas of expertise and the exciting ideas they may have. I also hope to become more familiar with the concept of Wiki and help establish a link between the vet schools.

My best learning experience

Was learning to play the flute

and why it was good

because it is not something I am a "natural" at, so I know that what I gained was purely due to my own effort and comittment :-)

Pathology that interests me

I like the wierd and wonderful world of exotics.

Pathology that is difficult

Histopathology is an absolute nightmare. To me it is a blur of pink and blue blobs.

Day one thoughts

What (three things) I learnt today

1) Information entered needs to be in a form appropriate and accessible to people with a wide variety of interests and learning methods
2) Liason is going to be the key to success!
3) It is important to keep the bigger picture in mind whilst also focussing on the finer detail

What I still need to learn

  • The format and depth of content required from me
  • How to access and amalgamate the relevant information
  • The best way of dividing up and linking information

How I feel about what has happened today

Today has been very interesting and has brought a lot of points to mind that I would never have considered myself. I feel that the way forward is not yet clear-cut, but that once the work starts things will begin to clarify and that we will learn as we go along.

more stuff
This is Sarah's page
RVC website