356 bytes added ,  18:23, 30 June 2008
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The hard palate (palatum durum) forms the rostral roof of the oral cavity. It merges caudally with the soft palate.
The hard palate (palatum durum) forms the rostral roof of the oral cavity. It merges caudally with the soft palate where a connective tissue aponeurosis replaces the bone.
=Functional Anatomy==
=Functional Anatomy==
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*Bony shelf of palatine processes of the incisive, maxillary and palatine bones. Failure of the palatine bones to fuse results in cleft palate.
*Bony shelf of palatine processes of the incisive, maxillary and palatine bones. Failure of the palatine bones to fuse results in cleft palate.
*6-8 fixed transverse ridges
*6-8 fixed transverse ridges to direct food caudally
*Incisive papilla (small median swelling) behind incisive teeth
*Smaller papillae ducts branching to nasal cavity and veromeronasal organ
*Thick mucosa
*keratinised stratified squamous epithelium
==Species Differences==
*More heavily keratinised in herbivores
