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* Pelvic flexure
* Pelvic flexure
Staring in the pelvic region, the inguinal canals of the stallion can be palpated both sides of the pelvic opening, at the level of the pelvic brim. A full bladder can obscure the examination and so encouraging the horse to urinate or catheterisation can be beneficial. The veterinarians arm is carefully moved forward to the left dorsal quadrant and is able to palpate the caudal border of the spleen, left kidney and the nephrosplenic ligament connecting them. Moving over to the dorsal midline, the pulsing aorta can felt attached to the dorsal body wall, below the spine. The mesenteric root runs dorsoventrally down the midline of the abdomen. The base of the caecum can be palpated in the right dorsal quadrant. The caecum is normally not full and so the veterinarian should also be able to palpate relaxed cacal taenia running dorsoventrally. The pelvic flexure can be palpated ventrally at the level of the pelic brim,to the left of the midline. The small intestine is not palpable except for the ileum in some horses or unless there is an abnormality. When examining the organs per rectum, it is important that the veterinarian notes the position, size, consistency, mobility, distension due to gas or ingesta, evidence of edema and tight mesenteric bands.
When examining the organs per rectum, it is important that the veterinarian notes the position, size, consistency, mobility, distension due to gas or ingesta, evidence of edema and tight mesenteric bands.
Staring in the pelvic region, the inguinal canals of the stallion can be palpated both sides of the pelvic opening, at the level of the pelvic brim. A full bladder can obscure the examination and so encouraging the horse to urinate or catheterisation can be beneficial. The veterinarians arm is carefully moved forward to the left dorsal quadrant and is able to palpate the caudal border of the spleen, left kidney and the nephrosplenic ligament connecting them. Moving over to the dorsal midline, the pulsing aorta can be felt attached to the dorsal body wall, below the spine. The mesenteric root runs dorsoventrally down the midline of the abdomen. The base of the caecum can be palpated in the right dorsal quadrant. The caecum is normally not full and so the veterinarian should also be able to palpate relaxed cacal taenia running dorsoventrally. The pelvic flexure can be palpated ventrally at the level of the pelic brim,to the left of the midline. The smooth and narrow left dorsal colon and the longitudinal bands of the wide left ventral colon can be palpated, extending from the pelvic flexure. The small intestine is not palpable except for the ileum in some horses or unless there is an abnormality. The small colon is easily distinguishable by the distinct fecal balls within its lumen.
* Edwards B. (2009), Rectal Examination, Equine Gastroenterology courtesy of the University of Liverpool, pp 55-57
* Meuller E, Moore J. N (2008) Classification and Pathophysiology of Colic, Gastrointestinal Emergencies and Other Causes of Colic, in Equine Emergencies- Treatments and Procedures, 3rd Edition, Eds Orsini J. A, Divers T.J, Saunders Elsevier, pp 108-110
* Rose R.J, Hodgson D.R (2000) Examination of the Alimentary Tract, Alimentary Tract, Manual of Equine Practice, 2nd Edition, Saunders Elsevier, pp 274-283
