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My home page can be found [http://www.rvc.ac.uk/Staff/nshort.cfm here].
My home page can be found [http://www.rvc.ac.uk/Staff/nshort.cfm here].
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Revision as of 13:37, 30 March 2011

Nick Short

Nick Short

I am the head of the e-media Unit at the RVC and provide management support for the WikiVet project.

I am responsible for all e-learning activities at the RVC as well as running the Professional Studies module. I also lecture on a range of other subjects on the BVetMed degree and postgraduate courses.

I am interested in deploying new e-learning techniques in ways that are accessible and make sense to the teachers and learners of today and in particular how technology can support lifeling learning.

My home page can be found here.

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