WikiVet Team

Graham Dick - The WikiVet Trading Company Director

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Graham has extensive experience both working in veterinary practice and commercial company setting. He has sat on various boards and brings marketing and commercial guidance for WikiVet.

See Graham's Profile here

Susan Rhind - WikiVet Educational Foundation Trustee and The WikiVet Trading Company Director

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Susan works at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies and has been involved in the WikiVet project since the beginning when the project started with a focus on pathology; she is one of our trustees.

Susan is interested in lots of things to do with teaching and learning including e-learning, assessment and feedback. See Susan's Profile here

Gillian Brown - WikiVet Educational Foundation Trustee

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Gillian is an Academic Development Officer for the Higher Education Academy. She offers specialist support for educators in veterinary medicine in connection with HEA Fellowships and Accreditation of programmes. She is one of the founding members of the WikiVet project and sits on the Educational Trust Boad. Gillian is delighted with the collaborative-community aspect of WikiVet and the impact it continues to have in veterinary schools around the world.

See Gillian's Profile here

Liz Mossop - WikiVet Educational Foundation Trustee and The WikiVet Trading Company Director

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Liz is one of our trustees. She is an associate professor at Nottingham Veterinary School and her job involves developing the curriculum as well as teaching, both clinical and non clinical subjects.

Liz has been involved in WikiVet alongside several other open educational resource projects. She is passionate about the sharing of good quality educational resources and engaging students with their development.

See Liz's Profile here

Nick Short - WikiVet Educational Foundation Trustee and The WikiVet Trading Company Director

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Nick is the head of the eMedia Unit at the Royal Veterinary College and is one of the founding members of the WikiVet project and is currently overseeing strategic development. He is also involved in working with veterinary schools and other publishers to establish collaborative partnerships.

Nick has a particular interest in making content available as free resources wherever possible. In particular he has been working on new ways to increase access to WikiVet in developing countries.

See Nick's Profile here

Bara Stanikova - Content Manager

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Bara has started as one of the very first authors of WikiVet. She now manages WikiVet projects and oversees the content. She is interested in creating online educational resources for students of all backgrounds.

See Bara's Profile here

Gemma Gaitskell-Phillips - WikiVet Outreach

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Gemma is a graduate from the Royal Veterinary College who lives in Madrid, Spain. She has been involved in overseeing all translation of content into the Spanish WikiVet site. She is our student ambassador contact point and helps with WikiVet projects.

See Gemma's Profile here