• Sudden onset with haemorrhages throughout body (shock) and sometimes acute foul smelling diarhoea.
  • colon is acutely haemorhagic and oedematous with mucosal necrosis.
  • Associated with Clostridium perfringens.
  • Possibly an enterotoxaemia.


Colitis X (so-called due to its unknown aetiology) is a peracute and highly fatal disease of horses. Is characterised by severe oedematous colitis, sudden watery diarrhea and death within 24 hours. A number of possible underlying causes have been described, including drug or parasite hypersensitivity, salmonellosis, high-protein low-cellulose diets and clostridial enterocolitis. Stress has been reported as a predisposing factor to colitis X.

Clinical Signs

  • Abdominal pain
  • Acute onset watery to haemorrhagic diarrhoea
  • Tachycardia (Heart rate often greater than 100bpm)
  • Dehydration
  • Signs relating to hypovolaemic or endotoxic shock, e.g. congested mucous membranes, prolonged capillary refill time, cold extremities.
  • Dilated pupils
  • Collapse
  • Body temperature may vary from pyrexic to subnormal
  • Bowel sounds may be absent


Diagnosis is often based on the peracute nature of clinical signs.



Treatment is often unsuccessful and horses may often require euthanasia. Treatment methods previously described include aggressive fluid therapy with electrolyte replacement, antibiotics and analgesics.


The prognosis is usually poor, with a mortality rate approaching 90-100%.



  • Glenn Songer, J., Trinh, H.T., Dial, S.M., Brazier, J.S., Glock, R.D. (2009) Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 21:377–380 (2009)
  • White, N.A., Edwards, G.B. (1999) Handbook of Equine Colic Reed Educational and Professional Publishing Ltd
  • Knottenbelt, D.C. A Handbook of Equine Medicine for Final Year Students University of Liverpool
  • Edward Robinson, N and Sprayberry, K. A. (2009) Current Therapy In Equine Medicine Sixth edition Saunders Elsevier
  • Merck & Co (2008) The Merck Veterinary Manual (Eighth Edition) Merial
  • Giles, C.J., Urquhart, K.A. and Longstaffe, J.A. (1985) Larval cyathostomiasis (immature trichonema-induced enteropathy): A report of 15 clinical cases Equine Veterinary Journal 17, 196-201
  • Murphy, D., Keane, M.P. and Goulding, R. (1997) Cyathostome associated disease in the horse: investigation and management of four cases Equine Veterinary Journal 9 247-252