Gerbils (Laboratory) - Pathology

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There are a wide range of gerbil species from all over the world but in laboratory testing, as well as for keeping as a pet, the mongolian gerbil is the most common. The mongolian gerbil, Meriones unguichulatus is commonly used for these purposes as they are known for having several characteristics that make them desirable over other species of gerbil. These inclue a very non-aggressive nature, a lower incidence than other species of spontaneous disease, a lack of odour and a monogamous mating behaviour.

Strains and Stocks

Breed Description
Syrian/Golden Compact body, short legs, 4 front toes, 5 rear toes, 120g, approximately 15cm long, short tail, dark ears, females larger than males.
Chinese usually grey with a black stripe down its back, 30-35g.
European usually has a black bely
Dzungarian varieties include siberian, dwarf, striped and hairyfooted. 30-35g. Summer coat is brown and winter is white.
South African usually white tailed.


The normal life span of a gerbil is between 2 to 3 years and the adult body weight is 50 - 90 grams. Males are slightly larger than females. Please find details of gerbil physiology within the WikiNormals section. Physiological information available includes “General”, “Biochemical”, “Haematological” and “Breed” parameters.

General Behavioural Characteristics

Anatomy and Histology

Integumentary System

Reproductive System

Urinary System

Cardio-Respiratory System

Digestive System


Integument System

Reproductive System

Urinary System

Respiratory System

Cardiovascular System

Digestive System
