Gastrulation - Anatomy & Physiology

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Gastrulation is the process of forming the three germ layers; ectoderm; mesoderm; and endoderm. It is achieved through a series of highly coordinated series of cell movements. Cells that will form the endodermal and mesodermal organs are brought inside the embryo, whilst cells that will form ectoderm move to spread out over the outside of the embryo.

  • Ectoderm - outside layer
  • Mesoderm - middle layer
  • Endoderm - inner layer

Germ Layer Derivatives

Ectoderm Neural Ectoderm - PNS & CNS

Non Neural Ectoderm - Epidermis of skin

Mesoderm Axial Mesoderm - Notochord, which is mostly degenerated

Paraxial Mesoderm - Somites, which form axial skeleton and dermal muscle of the body

Intermediate Mesoderm - Parts of reproductive system and kidneys

Lateral Plate Mesoderm - Heart, limbs, tissue around gut

Ectoderm Parynx, lungs, liver, lining of gut

Mechanism of Gastrulation

  • When the embryo is in it's blastula stage it has two cell layers; the epiblast and hypoblast.
    • The epiblast is columnar whilst the hypoblast is cubiodal - each is a single cell thick.
  • The epiblast gives rise to all three cell layers; the hypoblast makes no contribution.
  • The endoderm and mesoderm develop by proliferation and migration of cells of the epiblast.
    • What remains of the epiblast forms the ectoderm.
  • The epiblast is a circular plate of cells. In gastrulation, cells ingress ventrally from the epiblast to form the three germ layers.
  • Gastrulation occurs at three embryonic sites:
Primitive Streak
Tail Bud

Gastrulation at the Primitive Streak

  • The epiblast is a simple circular plate of cells.
  • Cells proliferate and through migration, converge at one pole of the epiblast. These cells become columnar to compensate for the decreased amount of space available.
    • This defines the posterior of the embryo.
  • Eventually, convergence causes cells to be displaced anteriorly. As more cells converge, the primitive streak elongates.
  • Cells in the primitive groove change shape from columnar to wedge shaped, which produces two elevations either side of a groove.
  • Epiblastic cells of the primitive streak begin to ingress ventrally to form the new germ layers.