Muscidae sp. - Copyright Thomas Bresson, Wikimedia Commons

Scientific Classification

Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Arthropoda
Class Insecta
Order Diptera
Family Muscidae
Genus Musca

Musca autumnalis

Also known as: Face Fly

M. autumnalis is found worldwide, and is widely distributed throughout Europe.


The fly is around 7-8mm in length. It grey in colour and has 4 dark stripes on the thorax. It is very similar in appearance to M. domestica, and has prominant red eyes.

Life Cycle

M. autumnalis feeds on secretions from the nose, mouth, and the eyes, as well as blood from the wounds left by other flies. It lays eggs in cattle manure, which later develop into larvae. The larvae pass through three seperate stages, before forming pupae in the soil. Under optimal conditions, they require around 2 weeks to complete the life cycle.

Musca domestica

Also known as: House Fly

M. domestica is closely associated with humans and livestock. It is of importance as it mechanically transmits pathogens of real significance e.g. mastitis, and anthrax.


M. domestica is around 7mm in length, and grey in colour, with four dark longitudinal shapes. The abdomen is dark yellow in colour, with a black median stripe.

Life Cycle

The female lays eggs in faeces and dead rotting material. The eggs then hatch within a day. There are 3 subsequent larval stages and feed upon the faeces. When the larvae mature, they relocate to drier areas, where they form pupae. The pupae will then later mature into adults.


  • Production losses
    • Reduced weight gain
    • Reduced milk yield
    • Fly worry
  • Feeds on secretions from the eyes, nose and mouth as well as blood left in wounds by other flies


  • Fly control in breeding and resting sites (to reduce the source)
    • Breeding sites
      • Good sanitation
      • Collect dung in heaps
      • Spray surface of heaps with insecticide to kill surviving adults and larvae
      • Biological control
    • Resting sites
      • Spray inside and outsides of buildings with insecticide
  • Fly control on the host
    • Wide range of products available
    • Nil or short withdrawal period needed for milking animals or animals going for slaughter