Bara Stanikova

Barbora Stanikova

Heaven on Earth.jpg

Contact details

About me

I have lived in England for a very long time but am originally from the Czech Republic. I started studying Veterinary Medicine at the RVC in 2002, intercalated Animal Behaviour and Welfare at University of Bristol in 2004/2005. Due to an injury I had to take another year out but I finally graduated in 2009.

My passion are animals of all kind, especially my numerous pets, including horses. I like them to be my friends and partners, rather than just tools for fun. I have a soft spot for birds and often look after wildlife casualties. I also enjoy the countryside, playing guitar, fencing and ride a motorbike.

I am currently involved in re-organising the site and supervising authors.

Sections I've been working on now seems like a lifetime ago

Below are various statements under standard sections we all put up at the start of the project in summer 2007. A lot has changed since....

What I hope to get out of this project

Keeping my hand in the veterinary field.

My best learning experience

Natural horsemanship and anything hands on

Pathology that interests me

  • Bone and cartilage
  • Exotics, especially birds, in general

Pathology that is difficult

anything that is too much at once, a bit by bit can be managed

Day one thoughts

What (three things) I learnt today

  • How to use WikiVet to a hopefully sufficient level
  • Who to contact for resources when stuck
  • Try to provide for different types of learners

What I still need to learn

How to combine the resources available to a useful outcome - working progress Issues about copyright

How I feel about what has happened today

I have a starting point and know roughly where we are trying to get

Three weeks into the wikivet project (or thereabouts)

What I feel I've gained so far from being involved in the project

  • Spending time on a particular topic and trying to write it down in a logical manner with links to other existing topics is a good way to let things stick in your brain a bit better!
  • Valuable time (for both me and hopefully others) while temporarily unable to continue with my veterinary studies.
  • Better understanding of some pathology terms, I don't like writing down what I don't understand (not such a big issue with just reading it).

Problems or issues that I've had or can forsee

  • Trying to standardise pages and topics as information given to us (incl. books) is very varied, may be someone needs to go over that at the end of bulk writing?
  • It is difficult to judge how much is for undergraduate and what is a post graduate level.
  • Copyrights over images again.
  • What about 'special species' - incorporate them in, separate section or leave out?

My suggestions for improving the way the project works for the future

  • I feel the bulk of the text should go on first, then start adding stories, links, pictures, flash cards, concept maps etc. I think it would be easier to handle that way.
  • Keeping a system within a particular school at first (for bulk writing) and let all the schools contribute to the extras.
  • If we really want standardisation, it may have to be one or two people going over it all at the end.

What involvement (if any!) I would like to have with the project in the future

  • I would like to have as much involvement as possible until March 2008.
  • From March 2008 the time I could commit would be a little patchy but I would like to keep involved, may be adding the 'extras'?

Useful templates

wikitext #REDIRECT Wikipedia WikiVet

<div style="text-align: left; direction: ltr; margin-left: 1em;">  </div>

Clinical sections




Clinical Signs

Laboratory Tests






Svendsen, E.D., Duncan, J. and Hadrill, D. (2008) The Professional Handbook of the Donkey, 4th edition, Whittet Books

New Front Page


Pages Needed