Canine Dermatomyositis

  • Affects puppies of collies and shetland sheepdogs from 8 weeks of age
  • Lesions - vesiculating dermatitis
    • Face, lips, external ears, later distal extremities
  • Microscopically: interface dermatitis and basal cell degeneration of epidermis and follicular wall, atrophy of follicles, epidermal vesicles and pustules, dermal scarring
  • Hereditary in Collies and Shetland sheepdgs
  • Lesions resemble canine polymyositis
  • Also degeneration of blood vessels -> muscle microinfarcts
  • Usually generalised but temporalis and other masticatory muscles may be involved the most
  • Microscopically: inclusion bodies in endothelial cells
  • Best place for biopsy is anterior and most superficial temporalis muscle
  • Also involves skin, may involve the oesophagus