Katy Thompson's Page Customise Your Page? Katy Thompson
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Occupation Veterinarian
Veterinary School UK - RVC (London)
Year of Graduation 2010
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Pages I am working on: Category:To Do - Kate

Hours worked table on user page

Please ensure you have a table with your hours worked on your user pages - here's one as an example:

Day Week 1 (28.2. - 6.3.) Week 2 (7.3. - 13.3.) Week 3 (14.3 - 20.3.) Week 4 (21.3 - 27.3.) Week 5 (28.3 - 3.4.)
Monday 3.5 2.5
Tuesday 9.5 3.5
Wednesday 6.5 6
Thursday 6 9
Friday 7
Sunday 1
Total hours 33.5