Welcome to Wiki Vet! This is a collaborative initiative between the UK Vetschools to share e-learning resources. The first stage of this development has involved the development of a veterinary pathology wiki which you can access from the link below:

We are also working on a range of other collaborative projects including sharing digital video and images, online courses, computer aided assessments and lecture materials. You can find out more about this work from the link below:

You can find out more about the community of practice which has been working on the wiki from the link below:

The Wiki Vet project is an integral part of the vetschools.ac.uk web site which now has over 5,000 signed up vets and students who have graduated from a total of 220 different veterinary schools around the world. Add yourselg to our World Vet Map from the link below:

target='_blank' Vet Map

We currently have students and academics from most of the UK veterinary schools working on different aspects of the wiki. If you would like to get involved too, please email vetschools.

More general information about using a wiki is available from the link below:

This project is funded by JISC and the Higher Education Academy.

Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License