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Question Answer Article
What is hypersensitivity?
  • A hyperactive immune response to an antigen
  • Leading to cell and tissue damage
  • It involves normal immune mechanisms directed towards harmless environmental antigens (ie. allergy) or directed at self antigens (ie. autoimmunity)
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Which two scientists proposed the mechanism for distinguishing between the different types of hypersensitivity reactions?
  • Gell and Coombs
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Complete the following sentences Types I, II and III hypersensitivity are antibody mediated reactions. Type IV hypersensitivity is a cell mediated reaction. Link to Answer Article

Type I Hypersensitivity

Question Answer Article
What is type I hypersensitivity also known as?
  • Anaphylactic-mediated
  • IgE-mediated
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What is the name of antigens which cause type I hypersensitivity?
  • Allergens
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Name some common allergens which cause a type I hypersensitivity reaction
  • Plant pollens
  • Foods
  • Drugs
  • Proteins
  • Insect products
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Mast cells are caused to degranulate releasing cytokines. What affects do these cytokines have on the infected area?
  • Vasodilation
  • Oedema
  • Mucous production
  • Chemoattractants cause the influx of neutrophils, basophils, monocytes and plasma
  • Vasoactive and inflammatory peptides cause the contraction of smooth muscle fibres
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Name some examples of type I hypsensitivity reactions
  • Sweet-itch
  • Atopy
  • Flea allergic dermatitis
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Type II Hypersensitivity

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What is type I hypersensitivity also known as?
  • Anaphylactic-mediated
  • IgE-mediated
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Type III Hypersensitivity

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What is type I hypersensitivity also known as?
  • Anaphylactic-mediated
  • IgE-mediated
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Type IV Hypersensitivity

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What is type I hypersensitivity also known as?
  • Anaphylactic-mediated
  • IgE-mediated
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