Oesophageal Diverticula

Typical Signalment


A circumscribed sacculation of the oesophageal wall. These can be divided into congenital or acquired. Congenital diverticula are due to a herniation of the mucosa through a muscularis defect. Acquired diverticula can be subdivided into:

  1. Traction forms result from peri-oesophageal inflammation and fibrosis and develop mainly in the cranial and mid-oesophageal body. Sacculations are created by adhesions to adjacent tissues.
  2. Pulsion forms


Clinical Signs

usually result from food/fluid impaction in the sacculated area and can present as:

  • regurgitation
  • odynophagia
  • retching
  • postprandial dyspnoea
  • anorexia
  • sepsis if the diverticulum becomes perforated
  • may be subclinical if small

Laboratory Tests

Diagnostic Imaging


