
  • Usually young animals that play or chew with cables.


Can be thermal, chemical, or electrical in aetiology and can involve the lips, buccal mucosa and palates as well as the tongue. The injuries sustained vary from mild to severe. Linear scars appear from electrical cable chewing along with discolouring of teeth and burns at the side of the mouth. Ulceration may appear following ingestion of caustic substances



  • Cat fight
  • Seen playing with or eating a foreign body
  • Chewing electric cables
  • ingestion of caustics

Clinical Signs

  • drooling saliva
  • reluctance to eat
  • bleeding
  • pawing at mouth
  • secondary infections

Definitive Diagnosis

Inspection under a general anaesthetic making sure to check under the tongue for foreign bodies.


  • Caustic chemicals: exagerated flushing of the mouth with water.
  • Lacerations: Primary or secondary repair with or without debridement.
  • General: Antibiotics, palliative treatment aimed at reducing oral discomfort including anti-inflammatory drugs, mainly corticosteroids. Assisted feeding (Naso-oesophageal, oesophageal, ventricular or enteral) should be used if normal feeding cannot be maintained.



Tutt, C., Deeprose, J. and Crossley, D., (2007) BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Dentistry (3rd Edition) BSAVA