Feline Eosinophilic Granuloma

Category:WikiClinical FelineCow

Typical Signalment

  • More commonly found in young cats (2-6 years)
  • More common in females than males


Feline eosinophilic granuloma complex includes three lesions:

  1. Eosinophilic ulcer - on lip or oral mucosa of middle-aged cats.
  2. Eosinophilic plaque - on the skin of the medial thighs and abdomen.
  3. Eosinophilic granuloma - on the posterior aspect of the rear legs of young cats and also found on the tongue, palate and oral mucosa.

Eosinophilic granulomas of the oral cavity appear as yellow/pink raised linear lesions. They can occur on the oral mucosa, hard palate mucosa, soft palate, or the base of the tongue. Cats with eosinophilic lesions of the mouth often have concurrent skin lesions.


Clinical Signs

  • dysphagia
  • halitosis
  • +/- anorexia

Diagnostic Imaging



